What Kotzia said at the Forum of Ancient Civilizations, for China, Greece, Bolivia


"We must make the big decision to cooperate to show the spirit and the importance of our cultures to the rest of the world," Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias told the ministerial conference of the Forum of Ancient Civilizations that took place in La Paz.

He expressed his belief that ancient civilization is still alive in time, that it is alive as an intelligent force and has become a major economic factor "in clarifying that this effort of the Forum of Ancient Civilizations" is for the benefit of the people but also for the good of the world. "

" While Bolivia is so far from Greece, our souls and our hearts are very close. We love Bolivia very much, "said the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We are three countries, three peoples, three cultures. "Minister of Foreign Affairs" is the founder of the modern state. After the end of the wars of the six states, they created the great China, the modern state, 2500 years ago. We are the founders of the Republic, perhaps this is the reason for all the problems today, "he said in a joke saying that" Bolivia is the spirit of everyone from us. "

We are" imprisoned "in history," he said, stressing that "history must be a school and not a prison," stressing the great importance of cooperation with civilization

among them, but also m "If you look at the science of China, Greece, Bolivia and other countries, for thousands of years, to mankind, it's certainly a reason to be proud of our history, "he added.He added:" But we are not tired of history, we have to look to the world. " future, work together and learn together. "

Finally, the Greek Foreign Minister thanked the Bolivian government and his counterpart for hospitality to fight with mq" and expressed a big thank you to China who has was established jointly this forum. "We have a long and parallel history, we have a long history, both, but unlike to us, China is the "big" country, "he said. While not wanting to express his beliefs about Bolivians, "wonderful people, smiling and extremely polite" as he describes them.

The Declaration of the Forum

Of particular importance was the Declaration signed by participating countries the Declaration of Athens, the Founding Forum of Ancient Civilizations held on April 24, 2017 , which confirms and broadens its objectives with a clear mandate to create a permanent platform for dialogue and cultural cooperation

Objectives focused on the promotion of historical research with special emphasis on the value and contribution of great ancient civilizations to the path of humanity, with a view to restoring their position appropriate to the prevailing narratives and to intensify efforts to achieve the objectives of the 1970 Convention on the means to prohibit and prevent the 39, import, export and illicit transfer of possession of cultural objects [19659011] At the same time, the promotion of the return of cultural property in their country of origin. The origin, as well as the support of countries negotiating the legitimate right to return or restore their cultural property, are also highlighted as a key objective.

the dialogue and consultations of Forum members with a view to reaching coordinated positions, where appropriate, on matters of major importance for the protection of the cultural heritage, to relevant international organizations, such as the 39, UNESCO

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