What Netflix has revealed about the end of "House of Cards" – Newsbeast


Netflix's Internet Entertainment Manager has promised that the House of Cards series would have an "appropriate end" after the dismissal of Kevin Spacey's protagonist, but without giving any other information

"House of Cards "Netflix on the map of companies producing original TV material at its launch in 2013. Although Kevin Speedy was the protagonist of the series as a politician Frank Anderud, the last round will be centered on Robin Wright, who plays his wife

"We are very proud of the series" In November 2017, Netflix interrupted his collaboration with Spessie while more than 20 men were in the Netflix, "he said. badual harbadment.The US actor did not comment on these allegations after the apology he addressed to the first plaintiff in October 2017.

Five years after "House of Cards", Netflix has Intend to publish some 700 TV series, movies and another program this year (F, F, F, F, F, F, F)
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