When will we see the "bloody moon" in the sky of Greece – News.gr


Friday, July 27, the largest total lunar eclipse of the century

Visible from Greece will be the total lunar eclipse that will be celebrated on Friday, July 27 with paddles on Saturday, July 28, which will be according to the scientist is the largest during the 21st century, while the reason for the red color that the Earth satellite takes during the phenomenon is called the "Bloody Moon."

The eclipse will be visible across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the United States This will be the second lunar eclipse of 2018, since the first took place on January 31 and lasted a total of 3 hours and 23 minutes, however, the period when there was a total eclipse was 1 hour and 16 minutes. This new total lunar eclipse is expected to last 1 hour and 43 minutes and a total of 4 hours in all phases, making it the longest eclipse of this century.

A total eclipse is a rare occurrence, The Moon, Earth and Sun are aligned and the full moon goes to the dark side of our planet. With the shadow of the Earth falling on the surface of the Moon, it takes on a red color.

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