Where will it snow today and tomorrow Friday 30/11


The bad weather called Penelope, which caused the weather … suddenly becomes wild, in full swing. Its cold phase is here, giving considerable rainfall in the east of the country and in the Aegean Sea, as well as snow in many areas.

At the same time, a large flash activity accompanies the last phase of the Penelope bad weather, with more than 10,000 recorded light beeps the ZEOS system from the National Observatory / meteo.gr until Thursday 29/11 at 15:00.

See the table of … rain champions

Penelope snow weather

Penelope, however, "gives" snowfall to the mountains, but also to low-lying Thracian regions, as well as stormy winds from north to east.

See Penelope's mill

Penelope snow weather

Today's weather, Thursday 29.11.2018 – Where Penelope "hits" – Where will we get snow

On Thursday 29/11/2018, the weather is bad in the east and south, with local rains and thunderstorms in the southern Aegean Sea and mainly in Crete (western part) and in the Dodecanese, while snow is expected in the continental and semi-mountainous regions of the center and north.

From fine stormy to very windy, the Beaufort will blow from the north to the Aegean Sea, with the exception of the southeastern Aegean Sea, where winds of varying direction are blowing, while in the Ionian Sea will blow from the east, almost windy at 7-8 Beaufort, with little attenuation. The temperature will fluctuate to low levels for the season, especially in the east.
Penelope snow weather

Friday 30.11.2018 – Where Penelope is going to snow

On Friday 30/11/2018, there will initially be clouds with transient rains in the eastern continents (from Volos to the south) and transient snowfall in the mountains and semi-mountainous, while local thunderstorms occur. will manifest in the south of the Aegean, which will gradually be limited to Crete the Dodecanese and will weaken.

In the rest of the country, the weather will be improved with some transient clouds. Frost will be seen early in the morning on the northern continents. The north winds in the Aegean will initially lead to 8 windy goldsmiths, with gradual weaknesses during the day.

See the table
Penelope snow weather

In the evening, they will not exceed 7 beaufort.

See the table
Penelope snow weather

The temperature is low for the levels of the season.

Check out the windy weather forecast with windy.com

Weather: Forecasts of where Penelope will be on Friday, November 30, 2018

Overcast with thunderstorms. Slightly cold snowfall in the morning in the northern mountain range (indicative altitude above 0.000 meters). Gradual improvement from the afternoon.
Winds: North-Northeast from 6 to 8 Beaufort with gradual fading from the afternoon.
Temperature: From 06 to 12 degrees Celsius. North 2 to 3 degrees lower.

Weather: Few clouds increasing in the morning.
Winds: North to north from 4 to 5 beaufort with weakening from noon.
Temperature: from 02 to 10 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Few clouds rising in the evening.
Winds: Northeast 4-5 and morning to 6 Beaufort in the morning from the afternoon.
Temperature: 11 to 17 degrees Celsius.

Macedonia, Thrace
Weather: Few clouds rising to the east where the snowfall will occur and in the mountainous and semi-mountainous snowfall (indicative altitude greater than X00 meters). Gradually, the time will improve.
Winds: from north to northeast from 5 to 6 in the east from 7 to 8 and early morning from Thracian to 9 Beaufort with gradual attenuation.
Temperature: From 0 (zero) to 10 degrees Celsius. In the west of Macedonia and Thrace, in places from 3 to 4 degrees lower.

Ionian Islands, Epirus, Western Sterea, Western Peloponnese
Weather: Few clouds in temporarily high places.
Winds: from north-east 4-6 Beaufort at dawn from noon.
Temperature: 08 to 17 degrees Celsius. In Epirus, locally 4 to 5 degrees lower.

Thessaly, Eastern Sterea, Euboea, Eastern Peloponnese
Weather: Cloudy with local rains and occasional snow in mountainous and semi-mountainous regions (indicative altitude greater than 500 meters). From the afternoon, the phenomena will gradually weaken.
Winds: North-northeast 6-8 in the east and south early morning at 9 Beaufort with gradual attenuation.
Temperature: from 05 to 12 degrees Celsius.

Cyclades, Crete
Overcast with a shower in the morning and partly sunny in the morning. Evening badistance.
Winds: North 6 to 8 and morning to west 9 Beaufort locally with gradual attenuation.
Temperature: 10 to 16 degrees Celsius.

East Aegean Islands, Dodecanese Islands
Weather: In the east Aegean islands, clouds accompanied by local rains until in the afternoon and temporarily in the northern snow. In the Dodecanese, clouds with rain and sporadic storms. The nocturnal phenomena will stop.
Winds: On the northeast, north-east and northwest between 7 and 8 and in the morning with 9 local beaufort clouds after noon. In the southeastern northeast, from 4 to 6 inhabitants and 7 hours local, Beaufort turns gradually to the north-west with the same intensity.
Temperature: 12 to 16 degrees Celsius. North 4 to 5 degrees lower.

Weekend weather

According to the available forecasts, the weather will be better on the weekends of 01/12 and 02/12/2018 with the exception of northern Ionia and north-west, where local rains are expected on Saturday 01/12/2018. The winds will weaken and will not exceed 5-6 beauties in tension, while the temperature will remain low for the season.

More detailed forecasts are given in the city and sea forecasts, navigation charts and wave charts, as well as in the interactive map of dangerous weather events.

Information and maps of: meteo.gr

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