"White Smoke" in Berlin – Merkel found them


Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Minister and Head of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Zeheffer reached a compromise.

Both sides agreed to the creation of closed asylum centers at the German border, where asylum applications will be examined quickly and, in case of refusal, repatriations will be made immediately.

The compromise, according to the Bild, predicts Mr. Zeheffer's stay in the ministry.
Declarations of agreement entered into by the Minister of the Interior himself, "We agree," Zeheffer said and spoke of a "very viable solution," referring to the creation of closed asylum centers near the German border

Merkel: After a hard fight, we found a good compromise

"I believe that after a hard fight and some difficult days, we found a good compromise, "said Angela Merkel, Angela Merkel, announcing the agreement with her government partner Christian Union okoinoniki (CSU). "We will be setting up transit centers in Germany, which preserves the spirit of partnership in the European Union and at the same time constitutes a decisive step towards the restoration of order in secondary migration." [19659004] What the agreement provides

The heads of government partners have reached an agreement on the creation of "closed centers" on the German border, where asylum applications will be examined quickly

More specifically, the agreement concerns the creation of "transit zones" in Bavaria, where itountes asylum. There will be an accelerated application process, but refugees will not have the right to leave the centers, and if their application is rejected, their refoulement will be immediate

As Berlin has already announced, Angela Merkel took the "yes" principle of 16 EU countries.

It is noted that the third government partner, the Social Democratic SPD, which also participated in the meeting tonight, seems to agree with the above proposals

This proposal has been discussed already in 2015, but was later rejected by the Social Democrats (SPD). According to Bild information from the SPD, such a solution is now "not excluded".

Andreas Lauser: Agreement "Globally Positive" – ​​How Parties and Organizations Reacted

"Generally Positive" Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists managed to agree on the asylum policy of the leader of the Social Democrat Party, Andrea Nalées, but pointed out that there were still a lot of questions to be solved

"We left psychology", P the old Chancellor and Minister of Finance, Allof Salts, who also participated in the meeting of the Chancellery Government Committee, which meets again at 19:00 (Greek time)

. SPD leader Kevin Kunner recalled that his party had already rejected this form of strengthening border protection, "be it in North Africa, at the European external borders or in Pasha".

C. "A Social Democrat Party spokesperson on migration issues, Aziz Bozcourt, told Die Welt that" these weird structures can not work. "

Negatives in the decision of the Christian Union the Greens also appeared, with their President Robert Hubbeck saying that the compromise is simply a mixture of old ideas." The CDU and CSU have reopened a proposal of 2015 and sold it as an agreement, "said Mr. Hampek, adding that with this old proposal, both parties are turning to the SPD to say" it's now, " while the SPD clearly rejects these centers as mbad camps. "The SPD-like," he concluded, while Annela Bertock's co-chair pointed out that the agreement "displaces the German compbad to a large extent. "

The Liberal Party (FDP) appeared cautious with KO Secretary Markos Bushman said that, on the one hand, it is fair to deal with immigration secondary to borders, but on the other hand, it remains open if the text of the agreement provides an adequate basis for it. 9006] CDU and CSU "Chief Bernd Rixinger wrote in his Twitter account and commented that the Chancellor has rewarded the" weekly theater "of the CSU and that Horst Zeheffer has not been disturbed

Negative for the Crew The establishment of closed centers for refugees and the organization "Pro Asyl", which was referring to "agreement on the back of the weak", appeared. The refugee is not a violation, he continued. "There are no just asylum procedures and respectful of asylum rights in detention camps," said Günter Boucherhard, while the vice president of the police union Yerg Radek, expressed doubts about the agreement. on the legal issues raised by the police and the fact that the measures are limited to the German-Austrian border

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