Who will meet the Saudi prince Salman?


On the sidelines or at the center of the session?

The leaders of the G20 member states will arrive today at the Buenos Aires summit, without reaching agreement on a number of points.

The climate created by opposing attitudes on issues such as trade, migration and climate change is compounded by trade tensions between China and the United States and the recent Ukrainian crisis that is putting the relationship between Russia and the West.

Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who will have the first opportunity to meet Western leaders after the badbadination of Saudi journalist and Washington Post writer Jamal Cbadogi on Oct. 2.

The de facto leader of the Sunni kingdom, also known as MbS, is suspected of being involved in the deadly murder – and with the sole exception of US President Donald Trump, one of the most stable protesters from the successor to the Saudi prince, the other world leaders have kept their distance from him.

The heir to the throne, 33, arrived Wednesday in the Argentine capital from Tunisia, where his official visit to the country provoked demonstrations against him. The protesters called him a "murderer".

Russian President Vladimir Putin is one of the few leaders who have announced plans to meet the successor prince. Kremlin advisor Yuriy Uzakov announced on Wednesday that the two leaders would meet and discuss the badbadination of Kashige, but that the "main objective" of the meeting will be bilateral relations, oil and gas markets. the war in Syria.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez has declared Wednesday "ready to meet" Ben Salman for talks in Yemen on the end of the humanitarian disaster in the poorest country in the Middle East.

Foreign Minister Mevlott Tsavusoglu told the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung that the MbS had called a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"A meeting may come in. A final decision has not yet been made," said a prominent Turkish political source on Thursday shortly before Erdogan left for Argentina.

On Thursday, the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said Tuesday that he had not heard of Kasogi's murder "because he does not speak Arabic", said he was not planning a meeting between MbS and Donald. Tramp during the session.

Sarah Hakabi Sanders, White House spokeswoman, has not ruled out the possibility of a possible "interaction" with Mohammed bin Salman. The US president has said he wants to meet Salman, but no meeting of this type is planned.

Argentine President Maurizio Macri said Thursday at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron that charges against the Saudi prince, successor to the war crimes and Cbadogi's badbadination, could be discussed during the session. .

Human Rights Watch has filed a complaint against the Saudi prince, with allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Yemen, acts of torture on civilians in his country and other offenses, including for the murder of Jamaal Kagongi. The Argentine judicial authorities are studying the request and investigating bin Salman's possible criminal responsibilities.

On Wednesday, a federal judge in Argentina asked his country's foreign ministry to request information from Yemen, Turkey and the International Criminal Court.

Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Raymond said Thursday in a statement to the Sputnik news agency that the Saudi Prince enjoyed full immunity throughout his visit to the country of Latin America.

"This global problem is at the table and maybe it could come up in bilateral meetings, maybe not," he said.

Makron announced that he would meet bin Salman. "I have always been very clear on the Saudi Arabian issue and I will inevitably have the opportunity to discuss it with the Saudi Prince, his successor on the sidelines of the G20." said the French president.

"I believe and hope that investigations, both in Turkey and in Saudi Arabia, will continue to clarify the case, both for Mr. Kasogi's relatives and for the international community," said the President. French, qualifying the case as "very serious" murder of the journalist.

Human rights defenders have announced protests against the prince's presence at the summit.

Sources: Al Jazzera, Reuters, AFP, DPA, Sputnik, AMP

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