With Cyprus Cyprus in Occupied Zones, Recep Tayyip Erdogan


The Turkish President declared that the negotiations on the Cyprus problem were the responsibility of the Greek Cypriot side – Eristik and Mustafa Akinji

The Turkish President, arrived from Azerbaijan, arrived late in Cyprus occupied with a delay in relation to the program.

After arriving at the airport, he laid a wreath at the Kemal Atatürk memorial and will soon meet Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinji.

The joint press conference is scheduled after 22.00, then T. Erdogan will leave for Turkey

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has completed his visit of only 2.5 hours in the occupied areas, and will soon return to Turkey . In his joint statements with Mustafa Akinji, he gave no indication of his intentions on the Cypriot question and limited himself to well-known references to the supposed responsibilities of the Greek Cypriots and to Ankara's support for Turkish Cypriots

. the whole region the new era in Turkey wished the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinji in his joint statements with Tayyip Erdogan. Mustafa Akinji said the Turkish Cypriot side needed help from Turkey to overcome the isolation and added that the natural wealth of the region could be used for cooperation rather than for conflict. Mustafa Akinji blamed the Greek Cypriot side for turning the discovery of oilfields into a conflict and reiterated the proposal to bring gas from Cyprus to Europe through the Turkey. "Unfortunately, the Greek Cypriot side insists on an attitude far from cooperation and division," said the Turkish Cypriot leader, and called on the Greek Cypriot side to correct his mistake, as he said, [19659005] asdasd “/>


Referring to the imminent arrival of United Nations envoy Jane Hool Lut, Mustafa Akinji said that the Turkish Cypriot side would not accept any proposal at the meeting. Beyond talks that will have a clear goal to end

Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey has always been in the π Turkish Cypriots and this will continue. The goal of Turkey, said Tayyip Erdogan, is the economic development of Turkish Cypriots. Referring to the Cypriot question stated that it is a national problem for Turkey which means a viable and fair solution. The Turkish president said that despite the efforts of the Turkish side a year ago, the talks were stalled with the responsibility of the Greek Cypriot side, which does not want to share political power with the Turkish Cypriot community. Unfortunately, the Greek Cypriot side has not changed attitudes while Greek Cypriots do not envisage a common future with Turkish Cypriots.

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