With Mania and Validente, 2-1 the Bitter Bifovi Astera Tripoli


Nikephoros was Astarte's first friendly test in Poland as Savva Pantelidis beat Panathiou with a 2-1 win over Bityv Bifov thanks to goals scored by Mania and Valide.

The Arkadian technician even gave time to participate by using several of his footballers for a half-time and gave him time for the three goalies.

The relative press release said:

"Astasas Tripolis of Savas Pantelidis, in his first friendly season, won the victory over Bítovia Bítov

The Arcadians had enough in mood and after a summer break and in the first friendly match for the new season, they managed to win with the goals of Mania (54) and Validente (73) on the day. Polish team with 2-1

(1st half): Tsiftsis (33 Athanasiadis ), Vlachos, Triantafyllopoulos, (2nd half): Athanasiadis (61 "Papadopoulos), Kotsiras, Pasalidis, Kyriakopoulos, (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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