With the nomads and the Ant1 counter-attack


"We disappointed our audience and took difficult lessons, we lost our pace …" With a clear confession, Tzortzis Papantos, director of the ANT1 program, presented the first snapshots of the new program, choosing to start from the criticism of the previous one that had just been completed. And as it turned out that the circle of errors of the Amaroussi station closes on new designs, ambiance and design, ANT1 returns to the arena of the competition.

Srillal, survival reality, live entertainment shows, game shows, satirical broadcasts dominate the programming stage of the station which, with a varied program recipe, will attempt to regain lost ground. The morning area will remain stable and unchanged by Giorgos Papadakis and "Good morning Greece", which will increase its duration and "Breakfast" with Faye Scorda, renewed to a large extent


the lunch zone of the station with "Rookie Zook" and Zeta Makrypoulias as well as the afternoon with "Still Standing" and Maria Bekathorou. (19459015) Newcomers "What the mother knows", a cooking game involving legends and brides where, logically, they will be played in a fairy manner. The game will be every day.

Giorgos Mavridis will be the presenter of the "Beat Buzzer" of a new musical piece filmed in a car. The daily series of the release is Maria Georgiadou's daily "Woman without name" and directed by Viki Manolis, with Marianna Tsoumasatou, Markella Yannatou and Antonis Vlontaki.
Ambitious comedy series "Throw the fryer" directed by Andreas Morphniou with Giannis Besos, Fanny Mouratidis, Jenny Botsis, Nikoletta Kotsalidou and Gerasimos Skiadaresis. The twin Ganoti – Stavrakoudis signs the comedy "Make parents look good" with Eleni Kastani and Ieroklis Michaelidis with their twin. "Return" is another drama series that will be shown in December with Anna – Maria Papacharalambous and Antonis Karystinos, Alexandros Stavrou and finally "Crime – Pbadion" by Dimitris Arvanitis based on true stories that shook the Panhellenic. [19659004] kanakis “/>

The "Radio Arvila" and the "Vinyl" of Antonis Kanakis will have a stable position in the program. The station's heavy artillery and peak viewing hours will be "Nomads", which come back however with significant improvements and changes. The first and most important is the change of country after the shoot will take place in Madagascar and the second change of presenter since it will not be Grigoris Arnautoglou but a new twin


A new format that basically is the "common sense" where 15 couples will comment on everyday problems with the spontaneity and simplicity of people next door
For 2019, the plans of the station are already some proposals among them " 1969009] Agreed contracts, questions about Giorgos Liagas

Logic, George Papandreou was questioned about the future of ANT1 cooperation with people with whom the station has signed contracts but that do not exist in the plans announced.For Yiorgos Liaga, the program manager of the station only said that there was no show or suggestion at the moment, while for Grigoris Arnaoutoglou there explained that they are in advanced conversation for a special show in the second half of the season. Clarifications were not provided for Hungarian and Norwegian.

G. Ligas' contract is valid for another year and what is important is an encounter with the property of the station. A common agreement should be reached to avoid clauses and to release the presenter who has accepted a serious proposal for a competitive channel, otherwise any attempt to terminate a contract will hinder the significant compensation to be paid by both sides.

At the moment, there is no indication of either, and everything will be judged by the long-awaited appointment of both parties to discuss the situation and the future. 39, future of their cooperation.
And Demetrius of Hungary to provide a long wait solution and reasonably the two contracts will be discussed in this month.

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