World Champion France, 4-2 Croatia – World 2018


Here are the three things we learned from the Luzhniki stadium final:


Didier Desan does not hide surprises in his choices. Neither on the faces nor on its basic plan. The French voter went with the recipe that reached his team until the final. Fourth of the defense, left the Matuided, on the right, but Empappe on the right, Gryazman on the back of Ziro.

The data before the center ended in the same denominator: favorite of the French trophy.

The "blue" did not have the problem of leaving the ball to his opponents in the first minutes, not wanting to be surprised, absorbing any enthusiasm from the French

. And if their choice seemed justified by the time that they preceded the 18th – but with the ally's fate – it became incomprehensible when it went on and after their advance

The French did not make it. were not exemplified by the English in the semifinals, they left the ball Croatian and isofaristikan however saw the luck lady smiled back to them in his hand Perisic again leader for the foot Gkriezman in 38 ".

After the first 45 minutes, France not only did not pay for its troupe, but also had a lead on the trophy.

There was no way to lose the final Perisic by solving the hands of Zlatko Dalić who did not have to diversify his shots. The Croatian technician has apparently supported Rackic-Montreux, in the madness of Mantuck, and his imagination of Interter winger

attaining the greatest success, minor injuries and fatigue are making a great deal of difference. walk. However, the fact that Hrvatska basically has one more match (three extensions) was a managed issue.

At the end of the World Cup, Croatia had 4 (Montreux, Rackets, Perisic, Vrsalco) at 5 (French Kunde, the third on the list) of the players with the most kilometers … [19659004AtthebeginningoftheshowtheBalkanswerereadytotaketheinitiativetopushandnottolettheFrenchfeelafavorite

An unfortunate moment spoiled their plans when in 18 'by Grizzman foul, Mantucki with the head came in the course of the ball and sent him to the bottom

In the 16th, the quarters of final and semi-finals, Croatia has always been behind the score. She managed to win three times. The final was the fourth consecutive game that received the first goal.

Perisic's goalkeepers for 1-1 to 28 "(Inter, the team that has the most goals in the World Cup final – 7) opened the eyes on the Croatian fans, but this turned out to be a misleading signal: Ivan the terrible put his bad hand in the area, VAR … martyred the violation and Hrbatska was back where he started: with his back to the wall


There was still 45 minutes left at the Luzhniki Stadium to see if Varan continued his incredible run in the final (10/10) if Raquitz put ink on his forehead or Swabian put an end to it. "

Loris and Schubasch stopped Rebbe and Ebappe respectively in the first minutes of the second, before the mini-break of the final after an invasion of four supporters on the ground.

Croatia had seven shots through the area at the end of the first part instead of one in France, 60% – 40% in favor of possession of a ball, pressed early in the second half, but has Kande's only-scoring

of the 55th match did not make us wiser the influence that he would have on the outcome of the final, since Pugba 59 scored ideally, giving two goals to blue

For Croatia, it seemed impossible to go back on the purpose of Ebape to 65 & # 39; r 4-1 put France on the triumph of triumph

. Loris' superficiality in '69 allowed Mantuckic to report on his own home, but Croatia still had a long way to go. The time and the forces did not arrive, the excessive courage of Hvarca was not enough.

The individual quality of the French, the extraordinary efficiency of the attack, plus the solutions that facilitated the management of the tournament, proved insurmountable obstacles for anyone who tried to derail the "blue" .

The Croats will remember for years Their fabulous journey to the finals, the French with great talent and cynicity won a World Cup, even if they had to sacrifice the style

This bracelet has certainly all horizons to play in the next two Euro (20 (19659028): Loujniki Stadium

Referee : Nestor Pitana (ARG)

Assistants : Hernan Maidana (19459015) ARG), Juan Pablo Belatti (ARG)

FRANCE (Didier Desan) : Loris, Pabar, Baran, Urumti, Erandates, Canté (55th Enzozi)

CROATIA (Zlatko DALIC) : Swabian, Vrsalko, Lovren, Vinda, Strinic, Brozovic, Rackic, Monrits, Perisic, Ribic (71 "Kramaric), Madjukic ]

Purpose : 18 & C & c .; Is Mantucki, pen 38 ".

: 27th Kande, 41 & # 39; Erandates / 90 + 2 & # 39; Vrsalko

Remember the life of the match

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