World concern: end of time for children in the cave, Thailand – All developments


The battle over time allows rescue teams to release the 12 children and their coach from the cave in Thailand, while new rains begin to intensify tomorrow

oxygen in the cave has because of the presence of hundreds of lifeguards and efforts are being made to place a tube that will bring fresh air into the cave if the children are trapped by water in because of their ep season of the existing monsoon

  Children stay nearly two weeks trapped in the cave (Photo: AP).

The question is how can afford in these conditions, the enclave. "I do not know, I am not a doctor" Said Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces of the Country Tsalongchai Tsagyakam

The Chief of Special Forces of the Navy [ImmaculateYukongee] admitted: "We first thought that children could stay there for a long time, but the situation changed, the time is now limited " .

  The public opinion of Thailand welcomes as hero Saman Kunan (Photo: Twitter)

an hour after learning that a Thai volunteer diver, the former frogman of 38 years died of oxygen deficiency after being able to place bottles along a possible escape route and provide trapped children with oxygen. who reminded how difficult the road is

  The body of Samaan Kunan is transported to his homeland to be buried (Photos: AP)

It is not known if his death will affect rescue plans. When asked how children could get out of the cave as soon as a former fugitive had died there, a representative of the authorities replied, "We must try everything."

  The abstraction of the water continues violently (Photo: AP)

And that is why the preparations for starting the business with the Danish volunteer diver Ivan Karadzic are estimated to be "today or tomorrow", as he said in the British Sky News

  Various of caves from many countries in the world, they help in the effort </strong><br />  The cameras record extremely difficult rescue </strong><br />  The camera filmed in the helmet of one of the divers illustrates the extremely difficult conditions that rescue teams face in the cave </p>
  Guide ropes were installed to badisting the descent of rescue teams into the deep-water tunnel with the lights of the helmet illuminating the road </p>
<p>  By penetrating deeper into the cave, (19659017) The rescue plans [19659005] According to the local newspaper The Bang kok Post, two of the most prevalent rescue plans are: </p>
<li>  the first is that each of the children dives in places where it is necessary to escort three frogs and travels the dry part of the walk up to the end of the day. to the output. But as professional divers say, it takes six hours to reach the point where kids are trapped and five hours to come back, which means kids, many of whom are not even aware of swimming, will need to much more time </li>
<p><img alt=

  • The second plan provides for the opening of a hole in the cave, where the children are.This is, as experts say, the option the most dangerous and despite the efforts of the authorities, the exact point where the drilling can be attempted is not yet identified

  The agony of parents and relatives of children is complete (Photo: AP) [19659021] The other option is to find a natural opening to the ceiling of the cave - something that has not been done until now - or to carry food and supplies for children so that they can wait for several months - up to four the waters and yes (19659003) </p>
<p>  Buddhist monks pray for the rescue of children "src =" sites / default / files / ap_18182341600095_iefimerida.jpg "style =" height: 533px; width: 800px "/> </p>
<p>  <strong> Elon Mask sends crews to the point </strong> </p>
<p>  Eff Thailand also wants to help SpaceX founder Elon Masko, who discusses possible rescue methods while sending engineers to SpaceX and BoringCo. </p>
<p>  Mask has proposed nylon tubes of one meter in diameter or smaller tubes for more difficult points – inside the cave, that they will then inflate with the l & # 39; Creating an underwater wind tunnel, which will adapt to the environment of the cave and could potentially help drain water and open part of the escape route [19659003] The entrance to the cave ” src=”” style=”height:533px; width:800px”/> </p>
<p>  <strong> Rescue teams study an alternative plan – "We are close" </strong><br />  Rescue teams form dense forest hundreds of meters away above the cave complex, looking for another way to export the 12 children and their trainer. Kontai imprisoned for about 2 evdomaes. </p>
<p>  Possible exit surveys from above have now become urgent, as rain forecasts threaten the plan to go swimming for children. </p>
<p>  "We want to find a way down. We think we are close, "said Thanes Weerasiri, chairman of the Thai Institute of Engineering, at Reuters." We were in the process of introducing this way of carrying supplies to children, but now we may need to use it differently, "added Thanes.  </p>
<p>  <strong> One of 33 men captured during 69 days in a mine in San Jose, Chile in 2010 and finally saved, sent a dossier touching message to the children and their coach </p>
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"I have no doubt that if we pray and do to the government what is possible, the rescue operation will be successful" [19659033] Marios Sepulveda ] "We will pray for each of you and your family, but also for the children who face this challenge."

FIFA Invitation to children for the final of the World Cup In the meantime, the pr President of FIFA Gianni Infanti yesterday invited 12 young Thai footballers aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old footballer to attend their last World Cup in Moscow,

"We keep an eye on the news of the company for " he said in a statement. "On behalf of the international football community, I would like to express our deepest sympathy and support to the families of the players and to the coach, and if, as we all hope, they come together in the coming days with their families and that their state of health allows them to travel, FIFA invites them with joy to attend the final of the 2018 World Cup in Moscow. "

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