"Yes" of the house in a social dividend and a reduction of ENFIA


A large majority voted in the plenary vote on amendments to reduce the EMF, the reduction of corporate tax rates, the social dividend and the amendment to the eye. Read in detail how the parties voted.

During the vote, the parties were placed as follows:

  • L & # 39; amendment on the corporate tax rate all parties were voted, with the exception of the KKE who declared "no" and the river that declared "present".
  • L & # 39; amendment reduce ENPHY all parties were voted, with the exception of the KKE who said "present" and the river that said "present"
  • L & # 39; amendment for the eye all parties were voted, with the exception of the KKE who said "no" and the river that voted "present".
  • L & # 39; amendment for the distribution of the social dividend voted by all parties except the river that declared "present".

Read more: Tsipras: The first 100 days of Greece on a memorandum are just the beginning

Read more: The amendment on the social dividend was filed – What Tsakalotos has announced

The amendment to reduce the corporate tax rate provides that:

– The tax rate is reduced to 28% for the 2019 taxation year, from 29% today to 27% for the 2020 taxation year. , at 26% for the 2021 taxation year and at 25% for the 2022 and subsequent taxation year.

– The shortfall arising from this measure from the 2023 taxation year stands at 450 million EUR. In particular, for 2019 the cost is estimated at EUR 142 million, EUR 247 million in 2020, EUR 371 million in 2021 and EUR 515 million in 2022.

The amendment to the 2016 GNI reduction provides that:

– The tax is reduced by 30% when the total value of the property of the taxpayer rises to 60,000 euros.

– For the portion of the property value greater than 60 000 EUR, the 30% reduction of the tax is limited to 0.7 EUR per 1 000 EUR of real estate and can not exceed 100 EUR.

– Exclusion of ENFIA and for 2019 plots of natural persons from the additional property tax.

– According to the Treasury report, the shortfall for 2019 resulting from the arrangements made for this amendment amounts to 260 million euros.

The modification of the social dividend, for a total amount of 710 million euros:

As the Prime Minister has said in the House of Representatives, this is the third year in a row that we can give the opportunity to the weak.

The prime minister said that the initial amount of 710 million euros is expected and that, depending on the adjustments, it could also increase. He specified that the exact amount, depending on income levels, would be determined by a joint ministerial decision, in which he hopes that the government will have until next Monday to open the corresponding platform on Tuesday and that the parties interested parties will be able to apply on 14 December to the beneficiaries of the social dividend. He said that the measure is estimated to cover between 1.3 and 1.4 million households, including about 3.5 million beneficiaries.

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