You are 13 years old and you are busy. Do you know why?


In many schools in the west of Thessaloniki, students are enthusiastically preparing for the occupation and on Thursday. Some parts of northern Greece have already been occupied. Most students are involved because they constitute a phase of gradual introduction, regardless of the cause. Others because they are convinced by the call "on national issues, Macedonian, katsifas, north of Epirus", as stated in the invitation. Some others because "if".

High school students, aged 13 and 14, are brutally asked to initiate something for which they do not yet have the tools to deal with, in order to lobby for a position on issues that require a serious badembly. For the European Union and its policies, for national problems, for NATO, for memoranda, for fascism … Basta a little!

Our question is how an organized state reacts to this. "As regional director of education, we follow this phenomenon of squatting, which is however not long. They usually occur one day and sporadically. They are usually between 20 and 30 years old (schools) every day, but they are not always the same, alternately.", Notes the regional chief of education Central Macedonia, Panagiotis Ananiadis, in renewable resources.

As we read in the report, after commenting on the extreme slogans heard during the parade of a school in Ptolemaida, claiming that "is out of the minds of students"The regional director of education pointed out that"This should be a problem for the student movement, teachers and parents, who must take a stand.

"These extreme groups who are trying to influence students must be isolatedHe added, noting that "students, because they're in puberty, may be a little enthusiastic, maybe they want to lose a few hours of clbades, but it's not good for them to do it".

According to the journalist, Mr. Ananiadis is in contact with those in charge of secondary education and they themselves have contacts with the school directors, where they occupy and intervene, as he points out. .for these cases, it is planned to organize school boards, to discuss these problems and to seek solutions".

Generally, the reflection on events is called "student movement, educators and parents", while a blurry solution may arise from school boards.

The OLME (Federation of Secondary Education Officials) Board of Directors issued a statement condemning the mobilizations as being at the root of far-right circles. According to OLME: "The attack against fascism in young people is not accidental. They seek to disorient their racist radicalization on the real causes of the problems and to weaken their struggles against EU policies and memoranda, against permanent austerity and unemployment. "

Teachers, as they write in the same communication, "we must reveal to the eyes of our students the true face of nationalism and fascism in order to get acquainted with the images of the devastation of World War II, the atrocities and executions, the hungry children of the occupation, the Holocaust of the Jews, villages burned by the Germans, Distomo, Kandanos, Chortiatis".

Very well! But in the same note they accordance with the constitutional principles of the Federation and the very essence of educational work, we have the obligation to talk to our students about friendship, solidarity and the peaceful coexistence of peoples, their common interest in imperialism, NATO and the large multinational monopolies. who, to increase their profits and their influence, establish national wars and a civil war by sowing death and exhaling peoples in the status of refugees and immigrants".

For his part, Thanasis Kokonas, president of the Federation of Parents and Guardians of Central Macedonia, speaking in "FM Agency", said he was deeply concerned by the phenomenon, stressing however that he In the case of occupations, the main feature of which is usually the actions of small groups of students, without making decisions of general meetings of students in schools and they do not seem to have sounded, which resulted in a fall in one to two days.

"Where there is a problem with such features that six schools in our region seem to employ today, these voices are isolated from the entire student community.Mr Kokonas emphasized, stressing that the student community should give full importance to a number of other key issues, such as educational gaps, school facilities, student transfer, etc.

"The Federation, seeking to understand how and why there was such a mobilization, found that some had tried to present it spontaneously, but it becomes clear that it is an orchestrated action by people pbading to the far right and Nazi structures."Said Mr. Coconas.

"These circles, with frightening ease and indifference to the consequences they may have for students and for the world at large, instead of promoting the idea of ​​friendship and solidarity among peoples, students in such nationalistic, irredentist elements."Said the president of the Federation of Parents and Guardians of Central Macedonia.

The Federation, he said, called on parent-teacher badociations to get closer to the student community and to discuss with children the real problems of schools, pointing out that "where do you come from?" open such discussions about school problems really isolates these voices"He concluded.

In other words, the president of the Parents' Federation invites the student community to deal with national problems instead of looking after the school facilities and the transfer of students. As well,open (sic) talk about school problems » in the order "Isolate such voices"! Sophomore, how did anyone else think?

The Thessaloniki School of Dissertation Commission denounces squats in schools, but in the same announcement it says:We condemn the agreement of Prespa, that only fighting can bring to our people and the people of FYROM!".

But that also nicely says this announcement. "Outside the EU And NATO Balkans! We condemn the government that supports them, those who, with their wars, uproot people from their countries and create armies of refugees and hunters. We condemn the transformation of our country into a camp of NATO. Young people and people in our area do not have to divorce! We share our needs, we fight war and interests. "

No one is vilified for the development of these mobilizations, nor for the resonance and the results that they may have.

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