You have been bothered by Moral Advantage – SKAI (



Announcement of the New Republic concerning the appointment of Rania Antonopoulou as our country's representative in the OECD and the appointment of Mr. Zourari as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives


Announcement of the new Republic concerning the appointment of Rania Antonopoulou as representative of our country in OECD and the appointment of Mr. Zurari as Vice-President of the Chamber. [19659909] In particular, the New Democracy states in its communiqué:

"Ms. Antonopoulou had little time left without housing allowance and the government took care to restore it by appointing her as our country's representative at the time. OECD, where she will still receive

Mr. Zouraris, who was expelled by a deputy minister of education because he defamed fans of football clubs, is reinstated as vice-president. President of Parliament, obviously in order to better coordinate the "position" of the

People who find it inappropriate to stay in the government for moral reasons, in a few months are not only deemed fit, they are rewarded with d & # 39; other enviable positions

In two words: You have shaken me in the moral advantage.

It should be noted that Mrs. Antonopoulou had resigned from her post of Minister of Labor when she learned that & # 39; she received a housing allowance of 23,000 euros. In resignation after the revelations, the wife of her husband was driving. Antonopoulou Dimitris Papadimitriou who was until February 27 Minister of the Economy.

ND for Antonopoulou: You have been disturbed by the moral advantage
Announcement of the new Republic concerning the appointment of Rania Antonopoulou in his place …
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Amendment to the unfit benefits of disaster victims
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