Young people fell in Germany – National


Giorgos Kalaitzakis (21 points) and Dimitris Moraitis (20 points) were the best players of the Greek team, who did not start the match well and was back to the score with 12-22 in 13, having big problems with the attack. The rest, however, was much better. The team of Giannis Kastritis made a 23-7 individual, took the lead with 35-29 at 19 & # 39; and finished the first half ahead of the score with 37-34. The momentum changed sharply in Kemnice. Not long ago

The team of Alan Ibrahimagic entered the second half as well as the first. With an individual of 15-2 in the first minutes, they preceded with 44-37 to 24 "and increased the difference to its maximum value at 29". (46-56). However, as in the first half, Greece reacted to this point and not only traveled the difference, but she was leading after 35 long with striker George Kalaitzakis (66-65). Sometimes, however, the great expectations that were created by our representative group have disappeared

The Germans have swept the rebels

The Germans have "struck" Greece in its weakness under the two baskets and have achieved the following six points, with Lagerbus putting a jump after the other. Greece has only 28 rebounds, 19 fewer than its opponents (the strongest and the strongest). This is how the local team led again with a difference of 4-5 points and controlled the game until the final seconds, despite the attempted overthrow of the national team [19659005]. With this victory, Germany secured the first place of the 3rd group. face the team "16" who will finish fourth of the 4th group – except the shocking Iceland. Greece, meanwhile, face Israel on Monday in an informal final for second place, which will send the winner rather against Sweden in knockout matches. On the other hand, the loser will probably face Italy very strong …

The ten : 10-14, 37-34, 51-58, 76- 82

] Greece (Kastritis): Loutzis 11 (7 rebounds), Moraitis 20 (3/5 doubles, 4/8 outings, 2/2 shots, 4 interceptions), Kalaitzaki G. 21 ( 1967) Germany (Ibrahimmagic): Weideman 8, Chbade, Katharina, Katharina, Hbadfurt 4, 9 (9 rebounds), Freudenberg 6, Chelsea 13, Mussy 15, Sanders, Seric 2, Lagerp (f, f , q, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q) return (n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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