At https://www.altsantiri.gr, we read:
You will tell us here that you do not remember whether yesterday you ate stuffed eggplant or aubergine shoes, where do you know what's going on? Happened 750,000,000 years ago? . There is a website that shows how the Earth was millions of years ago. "Where did we get the crop and the rest were still sleeping in the trees"? you will ask.
The reason for the application of Ian Webster, Dinosaurpictures, which shows the morphology of the soil of today to 750 million years
It would not be interesting to see what was happening in the (19659003) Advertisement Advertisement
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You can try the app by clicking here trying to either create the European continent or take the form we know today. The exact address is countries, oceans and mountains. In fact, you can also browse a filter by period, such as Jurbadic Park (yes, from Jurbadic Park, this includes bagaskas) or Triadic
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