Zafef got a 2/3 majority for the Prespa accord according to Slow Media


According to the media in Skopje, two-thirds of the deputies reportedly kept Zoran Zaev safe, citing unofficial parliamentary sources. At the same time, VMRO-DPMNE denies the existence of a majority and calls for a direct vote which, although scheduled at 3 am (local time – 4 pm in Greece), remains unknown, by which date it will take place.

According to Skopje's 1TV television network, Zafef managed to get the 80 votes he needed to pbad the first ballot. However, although the parliamentary procedure was scheduled at 4 pm (Greek time), the debate did not even begin.

According to the television channel, the deputies, giving their vote, will justify it. When the information is confirmed, this paves the way for Skopje 's accession to NATO and the EU, and it is very likely that a resignation from the head of the EU. opposition, VMRO-DPMNE, Cristian Mitskski, is mentioned.

Officially, the postponement of the meeting is intended to bring MEPs to the House. Until now, it has not been confirmed if the members' discussions are ongoing. Until now, according to information, almost all deputies are at home, while Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and DUI President Ali Ahmeti are at home.

The meeting was scheduled for noon. However, after an hour and a half of waiting, it was postponed to 3 am (local time – 4 hours in Greece). However, according to the official news agency, the debate has not started yet, but it remains to be determined when and if it will take place.

Scandinavian media also reported the growing interest in demographics for today 's session and the strong police presence inside and outside the building of the house. .

VMRO-DPMNE requests that the vote take place immediately

Pressures and fermentations in all directions are intense. Shortly after the media in Skopje announced that Zoran Zaev had obtained the required majority, the VMRO-DPMNE called for the immediate holding of the vote, saying that the government party had won the vote of two-thirds of the deputies.

"We have spent 19 days since the referendum, during which citizens have made it clear that there is no decision on constitutional changes, we see that the government is delaying the process," Antonio said. Milososki, on behalf of the opposition.

Milososki called for the vote to be held without further delay so that the government can see that it does not have a majority and that it is not mandated to make constitutional changes. .

When the VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson was questioned about rumors that seven of his deputies would vote "yes" to the constitutional amendments, Milososki said after the vote, the government would find that the will of citizens was stronger than the pressure on MPs to vote. against the will of the people.

Complaint for attempted bribery by at least two deputies

Earlier, the former Foreign Minister, Mr. Milososki, through the FAZ, complained that the government had attempted to bribe at least two deputies of the VMRO-DPMNE so that it would be easier for them to do so. they vote "yes" during the revision of the Constitution, while justice threatened indirectly. same purpose.

According to Milososki, two of his colleagues were "approached separately by" friendly envoys "sent by a senior government official and offered 250,000 euros to everyone when they changed positions and voted for constitutional changes. " Opposition deputies, he said, declined the proposal and reported the incident to the Attorney General when the institution was unbuttoned by the government's control.

What follows after the first vote

If Skopje's media information is confirmed and Zafe manages to obtain a two-thirds majority, two more votes will follow in the next 20 days. If this is not the case, the announcement of early elections is expected.

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