Zeheffer optimistic that the SPD will approve the agreement on refugees – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



In addressing the German deputies, Zeehofer, head of the Christian Social Union, defended the detention plan of refugees who want to enter Austria from these centers. they have already been registered in another EU country


05/07/2018 – 05/07/2018 – 15:07


<img width = "660" height = "340" src = "http://www.skai.gr/files/temp//640B2C354959EC2D7DB36B02B16F9037.jpg" alt = "AP Photo / Michael Sohn

that the Social Democrats (SPD) participating in the coalition will support the agreement reached between the CDU and the CSU for the creation of transit centers for refugees at the German border

In addressing German parliamentarians Zehefer, head of the Christian Social Union, defended the plan to detain refugees who want to enter the country of Austria to these centers if they have already been registered in another EU country until they are returned there [19659010] For the implementation of the plan, the SPD must also approve it, but expressed concern that transit centers may in fact be detention centers for refu which would violate their political rights.

Zehefer pointed out that the refugees would be detained in transit centers for up to 48 hours if the authorities felt that there was no problem with the entry into Germany.

"We reached an agreement after a heated debate and I am optimistic that we will reach an agreement with the SPD," he said. "Our Constitution stipulates that (refugees) should be able to leave within 48 hours and that they are therefore not closed centers."

The leaders of the three coalition parties – the CDU, the CSU and SPD – will meet this afternoon to discuss the matter. But to work, it needs the agreement of the EU countries, especially Austria and Italy.

Later today, Zeohour will discuss in Vienna with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz

Austria is afraid that Stricter controls at the German border will result in an increase in the number of refugees arriving on his territory. Kurtz has already pointed out that his government will take steps to protect its southern borders

Zeheffer is optimistic that the SPD will approve the refugee agreement
addressing to German parliamentarians, Zeehofer, head of the Christian Social Union, defended
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