Ziller – Loverdos Mansion: Another Greece at Mavromichalis Street | City


The entrance to Mavromichalis Street 6, through the construction site, does not betray the interior of the Megaro Zilller – Loverdos. Whoever visited eight years before the scene of this group that mixes two different aesthetics and another Greece is surprised. Better than ever. The imposing building, a breath of the busy Academy, seems almost ready. The bright colors alternate at 1,060 square meters, decoration, frescoes, elaborate plaster, mosaics with plant and animal decorations, wood carvings impress …

On the ground floor with the central paneled door and the two lines of badistance, we went yesterday afternoon, encircling the architectural office and the workshop of the German architect Ernest Ziller who made so many architectural diamonds in Athens , with his permanent residence. The family rooms on the second floor with beautiful ceiling paintings, helical shoots, his monogram (EZ) and, of course, his wife (S.E.Z.) Sophia are elegant works of art. The balconies overlooking the patio, the auxiliary spaces are highlighted, the sketches of Ziller (revealed on a wall), the famous "Salon Pompeien" which housed the secular atheist of the time, the l '39; food elevator.

Decorations, frescoes, mosaics with plant and animal themes, wooden sculptures impress at the Ziller-Loverdos mansion, especially if it is thought that it was before (first photo).

But the most striking thing for the visitor is the plaster and the airways that they hide. An entire system that humidified the family home during the summers. And the concrete slabs, which we all admire, Mary Argyropoulou from the Department of Interior Ministry Maintenance and Kalliopi Dimou from the Directorate of Restoration (project supervisor) explained that the German architect designed and built them. The building constructed during the period 1882-1885 for his residence and morphologically clbadified in mature neoclbadicism recalls those who designed the decoration of Athens – some spaces and the floor of the facade of the National Theater – while decorating neo themes in the reception room of Mavromichali street recalling the decorations of Yuri Soubic, the Slovenian painter who decorated and Iliu Melathron in Panepistimiou street

Defeated in the areas that joined the Ziller building with the proprietary extensions of Loverdos mentioned, when the residence of the German architect was auctioned, given the aesthetic changes. How did the European idiosyncrasy of the neo-Renaissance blend with the Greek art banker Dionysios Loverdos, who bought the house of Ziller in 1912 and enlarged it? In 1930, the architect Aristotle Zachos published the private museum of Byzantine art created by the banker of Kefalonia, making various additions. As the "chapel" without openings, with dome and octagonal drum, the room with marble columns and Ionic capitals and of course the niche with Iznik type plaster

German architect Ernest Ziller, who made so many diamonds in Athens

"In six months"

A project started in 2012 with maintenance (NSRF with 1.7 million euros) and in 2013 continued with works of restoration (NSRF 3.5 million euros) "will be completed in six months," said Minister Po yesterday (1961-1982) The building was granted to become an annex to the Byzantine and Christian monuments, while Lydia Konourdou, architect and architect, said: "It is linking the water supply, drainage and reception.Museum and welcoming the Loverdos Collection.The director of the BHM K. Dellaporta n & n Was not called to yesterday's tour Questioned by K. when he would be ready To open Ljubljak Castle as an annex to the Byzantine Museum, he replied: "As soon as we go, we are ready to enter the branch of BHM at the end of the year 2019. The purpose of the concession is to exhibit the Loverdos collection. There is a museological study, only minor adjustments must be made, as is the case in these cases. "During the visit, the Minister stated that" the site is a full museum "and that it can be visited by schools.How can this work and prepare the BHM for the exhibition? ? "It will open after consultation, by appointment", answered the yc (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; n.pay = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b. getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, script, // connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39;) & # 39; 109138906120213 & # 39;); fbq (& quot; Track & # 39 ;, PageView & quot;); [ad_2]
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