Zuraris: I would not give up – People also have a political responsibility


"I would not give up if I had done well my duty under the circumstances," said Vice President Costas Zouraris, on the occasion of the deadly fire in the city. East of Attica

Mr Zuraris speaking at FOCUS FM Thessaloniki, said that "when the experts give us a conclusion, then the question of responsibility politicians should be raised. "

"The concept of opposition is false, responsibilities," said Vice-Speaker of Parliament even thinking that " is also the political responsibility of the people as a whole. agent of the state. We also have political responsibility that we pushed because of poverty, poverty to get a tile that was not quite normal, that we built on the torrents. The Greek state has always been weaker than the people in the matter.

In a brief presentation, he refers to PASOK when, with the Minister of Spatial Planning, Antonis Tritsis, the slogan "If statements can save you", arbitrary. "It is not possible to charge the current government all the legalizations since 1974. Political responsibility is an abstract concept, shared and goes up to the time of Antonis Tritsis." 39, a chain can not bear the full responsibility.I will take my last 15 to 20 regularizations every three or four years since 1974, when it was incredible that the pressure of the world is great, "said Zuraris .

Hundreds of people were burned in California I do not remember giving up, "concluded Zuraris.

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