Gruden – Brown is expected to play Monday night


ALAMEDA, California. — Antonio Brown will agree and play for the Oakland Raiders in their season against the Broncos Denver opener Monday night.

"It's the plan," coach Jon Gruden said before Friday's training. "That's the plan, yes."

"Antonio is back today," Gruden said. "We're really excited about it, ready to move on, obviously having a lot of time to think about things, we're happy to receive it, and I know Raider Nation is also excited about that."

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Earlier Friday, a source told Josina Anderson of ESPN that Brown had issued "emotional apology" at a team meeting that morning.

The excuses came shortly after a showdown with chief executive Mike Mayock Wednesday, in which derogatory language was used by Brown, a source told Anderson.

"I'm excited to be here today," Brown told reporters on Friday. "I want to apologize to my teammates in the organization, enough talk, dude … ready for all the fans."

On Wednesday, Brown began a discussion with Mayock midway through the training session, which resulted in the confrontation that caused the stalemate between the team and the player, according to a source. l & # 39; team.

A Raiders source confirmed that Brown was not satisfied with a penalty imposed by the team and, seeing that Mayock was watching the tests, approached and initiated an exchange with the GM. The Raiders' source confirmed the information provided by another league source who said Brown had called Mayock "cracker" and unleashed a barrage of "rude" during the altercation.

The team source told Anderson that Mayock was trying to stay calm and defuse the situation.

"[Mayock] was like, "I'm cool, I understand your dissatisfaction," said the source.[Mayock] in a way, for example, … he just left because he saw the escalation. "

The source added that the confrontation had quickly escalated, but that players, including linebacker Vontaze Burfict, had tried to separate Brown from the situation to calm him down.

On Friday, Brown apologized to the captains "standing alongside the team" and the team "treated him as a family member," the source told Anderson.

The source said that it seemed that Brown had read the letter about the fine – that he had posted on Instagram – before Wednesday's training and that it was angry.

In the letter, Mayock informed Brown that he was fined $ 13,950 for missing a virtual tour on August 22, an unjustified absence. The letter also stated that the team had already fined Brown $ 40,000 on Aug. 18 – the day the DOJ issued Brown's "all or nothing" ultimatum.

"When he saw [Mayock on Wednesday]he said, "I can answer them," the source told Anderson.

The source of the Raiders said about Brown: "No one works so hard." Nobody likes the game so much, but [it] seems to be something that distracts him from his love [he] can not control. "

On Thursday, Mayock told reporters that Brown was not in the facilities and would not practice. He has not confirmed or denied that Brown will be suspended.

Brown's agent, Drew Rosenhaus, told ESPN's Get Up on Friday, he continues to hope that there is a solution to the situation.

"At the moment, I think his relationship with coach Gruden is good, very good," Rosenhaus said Friday. "I will not talk about his relationship with Mike Mayock, but I will say that we hope it will be a good relationship, it has been done in the past, it may be in the future."

Rosenhaus added, "Look, the NFL is a place to work, and in the workplace, it's not perfect … Antonio is a new player on this football team and we're trying to do it. a very good relationship at all levels.very common in a new relationship is trying to put things in a good place.And it takes time. "

The news of Brown's game plan has again affected the line at Caesars Sportsbook. The Broncos are now favorites of one point in Caesars; the spread had been 2 points (and pick them up before the announcement of a possible suspension). The total also raised half a point to 43.


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