GTA 6 reveal to arrive in November, map 3 times bigger than GTA 5


A new report claims that Rockstar will finally announce GTA 6 in November 2021, with the game’s first trailer.

GTA 6 has easily become one of the most anticipated games of all time, but little is known about the title that has yet to be announced.

While Rockstar has remained silent, that hasn’t stopped the plethora of leaks and emerging speculation. Now, it looks like the gaming juggernaut is finally ready to reveal GTA 6 to the world.

A post on the ThatsSoBold Instagram news page claims that Rockstar will announce the sixth installment in the Grand Theft Auto series in November.

GTA 6 trailer leaked?

“GTA 6 will be announced from November to December and will take place in Miami,” the post said. It is interesting to note here the use of “Miami” in place of its playing replacement from Vice City. Of course, it has been rumored for a long time that Vice City is the location of the game, so this information seems to align.

However, this next bet is extremely interesting. The account claims the new map will feature “hurricanes, gators and more!” “

According to ThatsSoBold, the map will change over time with updates from Rockstar, the same way Epic Games handles Fortnite.

GTA 6 on Los Santos
rock star games

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the big news from GTA 6.

Is the leak real?

It would be a huge change in the way the game is played and could lead to a lot of new gameplay possibilities. It’s not impossible for Rockstar to give it a shot.

“GTA 6 will be announced and teased with a trailer from November to December,” they added. “[It] will be 3 times larger than the GTA 5 map.

Considering that GTA V was set to be re-released on PS5 in November, the timing of this supposed trailer is quite interesting if the report ends up being correct. The port has unfortunately been pushed back to March 2022, suggesting that the trailer and the upcoming Grand Theft Auto reveal may have been the reason.

The heist of GTA 6
rock star games

GTA V on PS5 has been pushed back to March.

Either way, we can’t wait to see if that ends up being accurate, but it’s worth noting that some insiders have claimed that GTA 6 won’t be released until 2025.

As always, take these reports with a grain of salt, but hopefully we have some big news in November or early December.


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