Guac National Day lowers the price of avocado and the new Chipotle recipe


Saint Guacamole!

This is what shoppers and foodies say about National Guacamole Day and the decline in the price of avocados.

According to the US Department of Agriculture on Friday, the weighted average price of a Haas lawyer nationwide was $ 1.16. The organic variants were $ 1.71 on average.

Other varieties of various green skins were recorded at $ 2.00 or less.

These prices are cheaper than those charged by lawyers in July, which had a weighted national average of $ 2.10 per lawyer.

David Magaña, vice president and senior analyst at Rabobank, Calif., Told USA TODAY that the wholesale price of medium-sized Mexican avocados also fell by more than 50 percent from July. The wholesale price of a 25-pound box is currently around $ 40, down from July's rise to $ 84.25, he added.

"Prices have returned to normal levels," Magaña said. "That's what we expected, as the harvest season in Mexico is gaining momentum and producing at full capacity."

Heap of green avocado. One of them is open as stone and pulp are visible.

A consumer survey of Statista's online market statistics portal estimates that Americans are demanding more than 2.4 billion pounds of lawyers in 2018.

This increased demand from lawyers, coupled with fluctuating prices, has created a shortage for fat berries. Harold Edwards, president and CEO of production giant Limoneira, told USA TODAY that the country's weekly demand has risen to nearly 60 million pounds.

As with any shortage, a change in quality is usually expected. Some Chipotle customers across the country have seen a dip in the guacamole of the restaurant chain, which has gone from a bright green and smooth to a brown spinning with immature pieces in some areas.

Many have turned to social media to complain, the Denver-based franchise charging more.

Twitter user @jim_malcom shared his dissatisfaction with the idea of ​​seeing brown guacamole at his local Chipotle restaurant. "Yes, result of the shortage of lawyers or spoiled food," he publicly asked the channel in a live tweet on Sept. 15.

Another user by the name of @MalTullio shared his dissatisfaction with a close shot of his container delivered guacamole. "I am very disappointed," she tweeted in Chipotle on September 11th.

A Twitter account named SauvegarderTheGuac was created in August and brings together the tweets of dissatisfied customers of Chipotle and their surprising discoveries of brown guacs.

"Four weeks ago, Chipotle asked its supplier to get cheap lawyers, we do not want unscrupulous, tough, tough and bland lawyers," said the account in its Twitter biography at the time. of the writing of this article.

Chipotle's reputation leader, Laurie Schalow, responded to customer concerns in a statement to TODAY Food.

"Due to the seasonal transition from Peruvian suppliers to Mexican suppliers that occurs every year at this time, our lawyers experience normal variability, but we can assure our customers that our guac is always freshly prepared in our restaurants," explained Schalow. .


According to a Forbes report, nearly 90% of lawyers come from Mexico. The Latin country is also the largest supplier of agricultural imports from the United States, according to the US Trade Representative's office..

Last year, the United States paid $ 26 billion worth of agricultural imports, including $ 5.8 billion in fresh fruit and $ 1.7 billion in processed fruits and vegetables.



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