Gunman opens fire at a Texas pee football match


According to one report, two people were injured, including a girl, when an armed man opened fire at a pee-wee football match in Texas.

The shooter fired up to 30 shots into the crowd, prompting parents to rush into the bleachers and players to get on the field around 4:00 pm. WKXAS, affiliated with NBC, reported Saturday.

The TV channel said that the shooting had been linked to a fight earlier in the match, when a young player's parent was upset and called his eldest son – the alleged gunman – who was Is presented and that would have opened fire.

"Everyone in the stands, they fell in the stands and everyone ran everywhere," said Damber Walker, the mother of football. "The children on the ground ran. The coaches ran.

The shooter, remaining free on Sunday, showed up in the third quarter of a match between the Fort Worth Longhorns and the 81G Bulldogs.

"He was shooting at our sideline," said Longhorns coach Jonathan Cunningham. "He was standing on top of the hill. You could see him shooting, shooting directly at the children.

"So we checked our players, our kids, making sure everybody was fine," he said. "It's when we noticed that one of our parents was shot."

The woman was hit in the leg and a girl was stung in the back, police said. Both were taken to hospitals in the area with injuries that would not be fatal, depending on the point of sale.


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