Gurira of The Walking Dead already aligns on his return to television


Danai Gurira, Tony Awards 2019

Jenny Anderson for Tony Awards ProductionsGetty Images

The dead who walk Star Danai Gurira will soon be leaving her favorite role of Michonne among the fans, but she has not wasted time finding her next TV project. Not only that, she works with a fellow Black Panther star too!

HBO Max commissioned a limited-edition adaptation of Chimamanda's novel Ngozi Adichie Americanah (via L & # 39; envelope), the story of two Nigerian émigrés who love and lose themselves over continents and years.

Gurira will be the star and executive production of the series alongside We star Lupita Nyong & # 39; o, who will represent the main protagonist of the novel.

Lupita Nyong & # 39; o, Danai Gurira, Oscars 2019

Steve Granitz / WireImageGetty Images

The network has published a full description of the show, which reads as follows: "Americanah tells the story of Ifemelu (Nyong & # 39; o), a beautiful and confident young woman who grew up in Nigeria and who falls in love with her classmate Obinze.

"Living in a country under military rule, they leave each for the west, Ifemelu heading to America where, despite her academic success, she is forced to struggle for the first time with what it means to be black.

"Quiet and thoughtful, Obinze hoped to join her, but after the closure of America after September 11, he immersed himself in a dangerous undocumented life in London.

SAG 2019 Award, Lupita Nyong & # 39; o

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"A popular tale that has become a leader in cultural conversation, Americanah is an incredible exploration of the human experience that crosses three continents to give an empathic and compelling view of the complex realities of race, politics, immigration and identity. "

The novel was published in 2013 and Nyong's attempts to turn it into a film since 2014. However, we believe that a series is definitely the right way to go.

Recently, The dead who walk showrunner revealed what fans can expect from Michonne in season 10, both with regards to his exit scenario and his romance with Ezekiel.

The dead who walk broadcast on AMC in the United States and on FOX in the United Kingdom. You can also follow the show via NOW TV.

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