Gutfeld: Did Tucker's interview lead Twitter to restore the account of the conservative vet in Iraq?


Greg Gutfeld said Tuesday that an interview with Tucker Carlson with a conservative commentator and veteran of the Iraq war, whose Twitter account had suddenly been disabled due to "rule violations", might have allowed to restore the food of the man.

Jesse Kelly appeared Monday in "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and stated that his account had been disabled at the last minute, adding that he had "received no explanation" and that he could not appeal this decision.

"What policy? We are not sure," said Gutfeld, adding that "it was not to be anti-Semitic, as Louis Farrakhan is always welcome."

Farrakhan, 85, a Nation of Islam-born New York (NY) leader, recently compared Jews to termites on Twitter – and said other anti-Semitic things – but was not not allowed.

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Late Tuesday, Kelly's Twitter account was back online.

Gutfeld said that Twitter is a business and can "launch anyone of his choice".

But, he asked if social media would have "changed if Jesse [Kelly] did not appear on "Tucker" last night. "

"I do not do any of the ugly things that some people do [on Twitter], "Kelly told Carlson." My account disappeared as an email Hillary Clinton. "

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