Gwyneth Paltrow Responds to COVID-Remedy Criticism: “It Becomes Clickbait”


The actress showcased diets and products to feel better, which Stephen Powis of the UK National Health Service decried: “We need to take COVID seriously and apply serious science.”

Gwyneth Paltrow played patient zero in Contagion, Steven Soderbergh’s 2011 viral thriller that in some ways foreshadowed aspects of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. But here’s a scenario no one saw coming: Paltrow revealed in a Goop blog post that she battled the coronavirus “early” and it left her with “long tail fatigue and brain fog.”

Although there were rumblings that Paltrow withheld to confirm his illness due to Contagion comparisons, she said Hollywood journalist this is not true. “I got it so early that there were no COVID tests available,” she said THR of the disease, which she previously said she likely contracted while traveling to Paris. “We couldn’t even get tested for a long time, and by the time we could get antibody tests and all that stuff, much bigger and bigger things were happening in the world. I didn’t really feel the need to talk about it, but it was interesting. “

When she posted the news on Goop, it came with a list of products Paltrow promoted as the key to feeling better, including a mostly keto and plant-based “but flexible” diet that was free of sugar and alcohol as well as infrared sauna treatments. She praised functional medicine practitioner Dr Will Cole and his book Intuitive fasting, Madge’s vegan daikon kimchi, Seedlip’s line of alcohol-free cocktails and vitamin D3 supplements. “At goop, we always love to talk about the body’s ability to heal itself when given the right conditions to do so,” Paltrow wrote.

But his recommendations caught the attention of Stephen Powis, national medical director of England’s National Health Service, who says his wellness presentations are “really not the solutions we would recommend.” He added, “We need to take COVID seriously for a long time and apply serious science. All influencers who use social media have a duty of responsibility and duty of care about it.”

When asked if reviews like Powis’s reach Paltrow, she replied, “Sometimes, but it’s usually I always find it to be for their own amplification. , but we have great integrity and we pay attention to what we say. We always feel like we understand why [criticism] becomes bait for people. “

As for how she feels now, during an interview to support her partnership as the global face of the Xeomin anti-wrinkle injection line, Paltrow said she was feeling great and “getting there”.

“I also think nine months of quarantine with pasta, cakes and booze seven days a week probably didn’t help. So I have a really good clean eating routine and have been doing teetotalling ever since. a few months now, and it still really helps with whatever is going on in the body. “

A version of this story first appeared in the March 10 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe.


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