Half-Life Alyx ‘No VR’ mod now looks like Half-Life 2 meets Amnesia


The release of Half-Life: Alyx in March 2020 was heralded as a big step forward for VR games, but – due to cost, space, or other reasons – a lot of people couldn’t play it. , which is sad considering this is Valve’s first Half-Life game since 2007.

There have been a number of attempts to create a non-VR mod for Half-Life: Alyx, but all of them have been a little bit crazy and not very fun – if they worked at all. However, while it’s yet to be released, the simply titled Half-Life: Alyx No VR Mod (thanks DSOGaming) has shown the best progress – and this week’s update is the most surprising yet.

This is the first progress update in several months, but the mod sets up nicely – to the point where, if someone wasn’t aware of Half-Life: Alyx was a VR game, they wouldn’t. wouldn’t even notice. There’s no word yet on how the game controls itself without the mod, but it does appear to offer simple mouse and keyboard controls – with a twist.

The update can be seen below, but the best way to describe it is that Half-Life 2 meets Amnesia: The Dark Descent – combining normal FPS controls with physics-based object manipulation at the mouse help. The team even implemented their own Valve-style user interface and tutorials. Also, we don’t know who is playing, but they do draw a villainous Gordon Freeman.

YouTube thumbnail

It’s not yet clear when the mod will be released to the public, so you can watch the story instead. Half-Life: Alyx is one of the best VR games on PC and VR is a big part of the experience, so don’t expect to drop it and suddenly have Half-Life 3.

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