Half of East Africa wants Texans Jadeveon Clowney


"It's not a scene, it's a RACE GOD *!" *

* for second place in the East AFC

-Fall Out Boy, 2007

If you think the old "the only way to beat Tom Brady is to put pressure on three" and place eight "in the blanket", and if your defensive line does not include, for example, Aaron Donald or Fletcher Cox, add Jadeveon Clowney is definitely an asset. good place to start.

Especially if you've just finished a season 7-9 or 4-12 with new coaches and possibly one or two licensed general managers, and the general manager has spent about $ 1,000 million in maximum space before being told prepare his stuff before 4.: 45 hours and see HR before he leaves and … you see the idea.

Meanwhile, Clowney is not satisfied with both his contractual situation and the part where Houston might or might not try to get rid of him for something, nothing at all. .

Our bloggers at Battle Red Blog have already spent countless hours working at FUBAR, a company the size of Texas, which is why New England's biggest regional rival seems to want to figure in the first choice of the 2014 draw.

Take it away, PFT!

The Houston Texans have hired five different teams in discussions on a possible defensive end franchise exchange. Jadeveon Clowney.

According to Aaron Wilson of Houston Chronicle, the most important discussions took place with the Miami dolphins. However, Texans also talked with the Philadelphia Eagles, the Seattle Seahawks, the Washington Redskins and the New York Jets for the best defenseman.

"Nothing has advanced" with any teams outside of Miami at the moment.

The fins are certainly the driest and best suited place for Clowney. Miami represents about $ 26 million in space and could support the $ 15.96 million franchise brand JC without blinking. J-E-T-S are a bit more complicated; they only have $ 14.7 million in capitalization at the moment, so they have to unload a player who counts for their cap or include a player in an exchange, or both. Or … I mean, it's the Jets, if they want someone, they'll find a way to pick them up, and that's not necessarily a compliment.

For what it's worth, the PFT report above says nothing. The Jets had not "spoken" to Clowney's Texans, so maybe they were just doing the Patriots' good old-fashioned "kicking the tires" conversation. Again, why would you want to break the tires if you did not have at least some idea of ​​how to operate the cap if a good deal came up? Would not you have thought "Hey, if they sell low, could we (insert one of the 10,000 ways to create a ceiling here")? Do we give them too much credit?

Whatever the case may be, assuming Jadeveon does not fulfill his wish and ends up in Philadelphia or Seattle, it seems the Patriots have finally established a schedule where they have not faced the Texans this season and the odds are pretty good. they will see it twice a season instead.

Clowney is not afraid either if he misses part of the regular season to go wherever he wants, then that's it.

And hey, if you had basically all the cards in hand, we'd probably be doing exactly the same thing.


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