Halo Infinite tech test contains campaign spoilers, 343 warnings


Halo Infinite Chief Creative Officer Joseph Staten took to social media to warn players that the ongoing Halo Infinite Tech Test includes a “small number of [Halo Infinite] campaign files “which unfortunately contain spoilers. So beware.

“Such leaks are painful for the development team and can ruin the campaign experience for anyone,” Staten writes. “So please keep your eyes peeled for spoilers and don’t spread them if you see them.”

Staten, for obvious reasons, did not specify which files exactly were included in the tech test. But it is apparently serious enough that Staten and 343 Industries issue a public statement. 343 community director Brian Jarrard even followed by uppercase tweeter, “Twitter’s dumb words are your friend!”

IGN hasn’t encountered any of the spoilers but is hopeful this article serves as a PSA to stay vigilant.

343 kicked off the tech preview yesterday, although the rollout went a bit slower than expected as the developers tracked down some last-minute bugs. But with the tech preview going on now, IGN was able to get some hands-on time and is very impressed with what’s available now.

People trying to take the tech test must register as a Halo Insider and try to grab one of the limited places. Not everyone was able to participate in the test, but 343 says there will be more bigger tech previews in the coming months.

Halo Infinite does not yet have a release date, but 343 and Xbox boss Phil Spencer are confident they will meet their 2021 holiday release date.

Matt TM Kim is the editor-in-chief of IGN.


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