‘Halo Infinite’ will allow you to push enemies out of the game ring


When Infinite halo Coming out later this year, it’ll let you do something you haven’t done in any of the previous games in the series: push enemies off the edge of the Halo Ring itself. The little information comes from the last questions / answers of the community Infinite developer 343 Industries took place this week (via IGN). A fan asked the team if it was possible to eliminate enemies from the game’s new Zeta Halo setting. “The answer is yes,” said Gameplay Director Troy Mashburn, who then explained how he did it. exactly that while playing the game recently.

He says he was driving Halo when he encountered a Wraith. “By sheer luck,” he pushed the Covenant tank over the edge, allowing him to watch it slowly tip back and fall into the abyss. “So absolutely you can push the boundaries. It’s going to be tough, but if you can time it correctly, you’re going to see it, ”Mashburn said.

The fact that you can do this by Infinite reflects a return to a more sandboxed design philosophy on the part of 343 Industries. The team says they were inspired by levels like The Silent Cartographer from Halo: Evolved Combat design the game so that you can tackle an objective with all the tools at your disposal.

To this end, the world of Infinite halo will be more immersive, with the game offering a full cycle of day and night that will affect how things unfold. At night, for example, you will see more shield jackals and you may even spot sleeping Grunts at work. After the game’s fall release, 343 even plans to add snowstorms and thunderstorms. There will also be several biomes to explore.

The studio has ended up prioritizing some of these features over the ones gamers have come to expect from the series. Dual use, for example, will not be in-game at launch. “We can’t do everything,” said Quinn Delhoyo, senior sandbox designer.


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