Halsey calls for Grammy nominations


“It’s not always a question of music, quality or culture.”

“The Grammys are an elusive process. It can be private backstage performances, getting to know the right people, campaigning in the vineyard – with just enough handshakes and ‘bribes’ that can be just ambiguous enough to sound like ‘no-bribes’,’ ”she wrote.

“If you get this far, it’s about engaging in exclusive TV performances and making sure you help the Academy earn millions in publicity on the night of the show.”

“While I look forward to my talented friends who have been recognized this year, I hope for more transparency or reform. But I’m sure this post will put me on the blacklist anyway,” she said. concluded.

This isn’t the first time Halsey has spoken about the Grammy process this year – she recently tweeted, “I must have pissed off someone a long time ago because I don’t think they fukk with me.”

We’ll keep you posted if there are any more Halsey or Grammys updates!

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