Hang 2 smart color changing bulbs for $ 18



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Smart bulbs are a very easy way to add a futuristic element to any room. As CNET Ry Crist writes, smart bulbs are already “an affordable upgrade to the smart home,” but they are even more so when you hang them at a discount. A pack of two Kasa 6-watt color-changing smart bulbs is just right only $ 18 on Amazon right now – down $ 25.

So what exactly are smart bulbs used for? For one thing, they’re dimmable – a feature that once you get used to it, it’s pretty hard to imagine. not having. They also change color, so you can play around with the mood in any room or connect them to your speakers to party. These bulbs are fully Wi-Fi enabled, which means you can control them with Alexa or Google Assistant.

Criste tested these bulbs some time ago and says they’re definitely worth considering for an inexpensive smart bulb that doesn’t require a hub connection. He notes that they’re noticeably weaker than some other smart bulbs, so maybe they would work best in a lamp or room where super bright light isn’t an integral part.

Read more: Best outdoor smart home products for 2021


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