Hangouts has managed to stick around for a very long time, but Google has finally announced that the migration to Chat will begin early next year. As the big day approaches, the company is working to ease the transition by allowing chats in Hangouts to show up seamlessly in Google Chat, as well as improving the group chat experience in the. application.

Hangouts conversations will start showing up in Google Chat over the next few weeks, starting December 3 with select Google Workspace and G Suite customers. After group chats, message histories will also start showing, which Google says will help users switch from Hangouts to Chat without missing a beat. Additionally, 1: 1 messages, updated group chats, and untracked chat rooms will be displayed in Hangouts.

You can now kick Ann out of the group chat! (She knows what she did)

Another new feature is also added to improve the group chat experience in Google Chat. Soon you will be able to easily add or remove users from a group, which certainly seems like something that should have been possible from the start.

Death may go on and on, but Hangouts is clearly on the way to go. Group video calls in Hangouts were cut off last week. Today’s announcement will help make things a little easier for users migrating to Google’s latest communications solution – although there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure a smooth transition for users. Google Voice and Google Fi users.

Google Chat
Google Chat