Hannity: Biden just signed death certificates for “all Afghans” who have helped the United States for the past 20 years


President Biden “humiliated” America with its botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that left American citizens abandoned and their allies stranded behind Taliban lines. Fox News host Sean Hannity told viewers on Tuesday.

“We are now on the tenth day of Americans being held hostage, trapped behind enemy lines – and it is clear President Biden is letting the Taliban decide all the blows,” Hannity said at the top of the latest edition of “Hannity.” .

“Your commander-in-chief has now humiliated this whole country and is being intimidated by terrorists, the Taliban,” the host continued. “He will not pledge to maintain American forces beyond the deadline set by the Taliban of August 31. He will not pledge to ensure the rescue of all our citizens and our Afghan partners that we have promised. to go out if that day came. “

“Your commander-in-chief has now humiliated this whole country and is being intimidated by terrorists, the Taliban.”

– Sean Hannity

By agreeing to the August 31 evacuation date demanded by the Taliban, Biden essentially “signed the death certificate of every Afghan who has assisted the United States for the past 20 years,” Hannity said.


“Apparently they [Taliban] even have access to computer data so that these people are tracked, that they are assassinated, that their families are assassinated. Joe didn’t seem to care, ”Hannity said.

He continued, “Women and children were gassed, they were whipped and stabbed. Many evacuees were forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to hire private military contractors to escort them to the airport.

“Women and children were gassed, they were whipped and stabbed. Many evacuees were forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to hire private military contractors to escort them to the airport.”

– Sean Hannity

Hannity said Biden’s limited efforts to evacuate Americans overseas were paltry compared to other countries that have taken a much more aggressive approach to getting their citizens back to safety.

“The Dutch, the French, the British, they sent troops behind enemy lines in Kabul to extract their citizens with their special forces and their paratroopers and our army has strict orders not to leave the airport,” he said. declared the host.

President Biden's limited efforts to evacuate Americans overseas are paltry compared to other countries that have taken a much more aggressive approach to getting their citizens back to safety, Sean Hannity said.  (Associated press)

President Biden’s limited efforts to evacuate Americans overseas are paltry compared to other countries that have taken a much more aggressive approach to getting their citizens back to safety, Sean Hannity said. (Associated press)

“The Americans were on their own but the Dutch protected their citizens, their troops went behind enemy lines, the French, the British but not the American troops? It is a total humiliation on the world stage and even worse, thousands of Americans and thousands of our friends and allies are likely to be assassinated soon by the Taliban who now have total control, “he said. for follow-up.

“Some are already tortured, some are already murdered.”

Hannity urged the president to “grow the backbone, answer some basic, crucial and important questions” and “be honest for a change” with Americans asking for answers.


“Cut the shit with the spin with Jen Psaki,” Hannity said.

“Make a commitment that every American is out before you leave Afghanistan. Why would you leave an American behind, Joe? Will you commit to not leaving a single American behind? Do we have special forces on the ground? Are you ready to send them to rescue US citizens who tell the media they can’t get to the airport? ” He asked. “Will you commit to extracting our Afghan partners, whom we have promised to withdraw if that day comes?” “


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