Har Mar superstar apologizes over sexual misconduct charges


Sean Tillmann, who plays the role of Har Mar Superstar, has publicly apologized following accusations of sexual assault and harassment by several women, Star Tribune reports.

“Recently brave women have come forward to speak out about how I have treated them, including prejudicial, abusive and selfish behavior,” he said in a statement. long statement, which he posted on Twitter and Facebook. He added: “I take these claims very seriously. I am deeply sorry for anyone who thinks I hurt them; what matters here is not my feelings or my point of view, but to take these statements seriously and with respect. “

Three women said Star Tribune incidents that allegedly occurred between 2014 and 2017. One woman said she trusted Tillmann “completely” and considered him a friend until an alleged incident in 2016 in which she claims he defeated his pants and squeezed his penis in his face.

Another woman who came forward and said she was an acquaintance of Tillmann accused him of slipping his hand into his pants at a Minneapolis bar. A third woman said Tillmann made a drunken offer to her while she was in a recording studio. When the woman refused him and left the studio to go to a bathroom in the basement, she claimed he had come “sneaking into the stall.” I remember him trying to kiss me and touch me.

Tillmann denied the 2016 allegation, which was shared on social media earlier this month. “I categorically deny the version of events that was presented in his message,” he wrote in his statement. “It just didn’t happen that way, and the recent account has some awful and bogus details that have been added.”

The allegations led the First Avenue venue to halt ticket sales for a show that was scheduled with Tillmann’s band Heart Bones.

“I want to offer my sincerest apologies and public commitment to be accountable, listen and do what I can to enable healing and growth, not only for the women who have come forward, but for our community – and in particular our music community – as a whole, ”he continued in his statement. “I want those who have had the courage to speak out to know that I have heard you, that I am ready to listen and that I am committed to doing what I can to be accountable and, frankly, just be a best human. “


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