Harriet Hageman goes from anti-Trump tracer to champion against Liz Cheney


It soon became clear that the Trump team had withdrawn enough support from Mr Cuccinelli that the vote was not close. Mr. Trump’s allies forced a vote that would affirmatively declare delegates bound by the results of their state’s nominating competition.

When it came time to vote, 87 voted in favor of binding delegates.

Only 12, including Ms Hageman and Mr Lee, voted in opposition, well below the 28 needed to put the issue of non-binding delegates to a convention-wide vote, which would have been a potentially spectacle. Embarrassing for Mr. Trump. Although the fight is over, Ms Hageman participated in meetings over the next few days where Cruz’s delegates discussed whether they had any options left to stop Mr Trump.

Mr Trump, who backed Ms Hageman this month, is aware of his support for Mr Cruz in 2016 and, during his interview with her this summer before he made his decision, briefly touched on his role in efforts to stop Mr Trump from claiming the nomination, according to a person familiar with their interviews who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the approval process. Mr. Trump, who took particular pleasure in garnering the support of ever Trump converts, worked to clear Wyoming land for Ms. Hageman, sending a fleet of assistants to work for her and asking other candidates to drop out. race after he made the endorsement.

The former president has for months focused on ousting Ms. Cheney. Her aides and son Donald Trump Jr. tried unsuccessfully in March to change Wyoming’s electoral law in a way that would have hurt the MP’s re-election prospects.

Ms. Hageman, Mr. Trump said in her endorsement, “is all for America First.”

It took Ms. Hageman years to become a staunch supporter of Trump.

When she ran for governor of Wyoming in 2018, Mr. Trump endorsed Foster Friess, a billionaire conservative donor who backed Mr. Trump’s effort in 2016. Mr. Friess, who died in May, was runner-up behind Mark Gordon, who was state treasurer and is now governor of Wyoming. Ms. Hageman placed third.

Ms Hageman was known for her penchant for attacking fellow Republican candidates in debates. She did not mention Mr. Trump or his campaign themes in her TV commercial.


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