Harris was not in close contact with Texas Democrats and will not quarantine: help


Vice President Harris and her staff do not have to be quarantined or tested for COVID-19 as they were not in close contact when they met with Texas Democratic lawmakers who then went on to tested positive for the virus, according to its spokesperson.

“On Tuesday, July 13, Vice President Harris met with members of the Texas State Legislature who are temporarily in Washington, DC,” Symone sandersSymone SandersThree Texas Democrats who fled state to DC test positive for COVID-19 Trump slams Harris on southern border trip Harris makes long-awaited border trip MOREHarris’ senior adviser and chief spokesperson said in a statement Saturday night.

“Earlier today, it was brought to our attention that two of the members at this meeting tested positive for COVID-19. Based on the timeline of these positive tests, it was determined that the Vice President and her staff present at the meeting were not at risk of exposure as they were not in close contact with those who were tested positive and therefore do not need to be tested or quarantined. The Vice President and her staff are fully immunized, ”added Sanders.

Three of the Texas House Democrats who traveled to Washington, DC on Monday to block passage of an election redesign bill in their home state have tested positive for COVID-19.

The Texas Democratic caucus revealed in a statement on Saturday that one member tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday evening, and two others tested positive on Saturday morning.

The caucus did not name the three members who tested positive, but noted that all three lawmakers were fully vaccinated.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say people who have been exposed to someone suspected or confirmed of COVID-19 do not have to self-quarantine if they are fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms. However, they should watch for symptoms for 14 days after exposure.

Texas Democrats also met with Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerBiden calls on Congress to pass voting rights bills on the anniversary of John Lewis’ death. Where is “President Andrew Shepherd” when we need him? Tech executives increased political donations amid lobbying MORE (DN.Y.), and Sen. Joe manchinJoe Manchin Biden calls on Congress to pass voting rights bills on anniversary of John Lewis ‘death Biden’s silence on filibuster is straining Democrats’ patience Three Democrats in the Texas who fled state for DC test positive for COVID-19 PLUS (DW.Va.).

Schumer’s office told The Hill that it “has been informed that none of the fully vaccinated members who have tested positive have come into contact with our office.”

The Hill also asked Manchin’s office for comment.

The Texas State Senate passed election law on Tuesday, a day after Democratic lawmakers fled the state for the nation’s capital.

The bill includes measures to impose new limits on early voting and curbside voting, a ban on 24-hour voting centers and an end to direct voting.

–Update at 8:15 am


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