Harry and pregnant woman Meghan forbidden to walk in Morocco despite security fears


The couple will leave on February 23 and spend three busy days making official commitments in Morocco.

The couple will leave on February 23 and spend three busy days making official commitments in Morocco.

The couple will leave on February 23 and spend three busy days making official commitments in Morocco.

The pair will leave Saturday and spend three busy days making official commitments to Morocco before returning to the UK on Monday.

Upon their arrival at Casablanca Airport, Meghan, 37, and Harry, 34, will be greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife before inspecting a guard of honor. .

The couple will spend the second day of their tour in different schools in the small town of Asni, before attending a reception organized by the British ambassador, Thomas Reilly.

On Monday, the third and final day of their visit, will be dedicated to meeting children with special needs, before going to a cooking demonstration, a traditional Moroccan handicraft exhibition and a grooming session. horses in an equestrian center.

Saturday, February 23

The duke and the duchess will leave London and arrive in Morocco after three hours and twenty minutes of flight.

They will be greeted by the British ambassador to Morocco, Thomas Reilly, and his wife Alix at Casablanca airport, before Harry inspects a guard of honor.

Sunday, February 24

The Duke and Duchess will visit a pension at Asni.

The Moroccan NGO "Education for All" is building boarding schools for girls aged 12 to 18 to allow girls from rural communities in the High Atlas region to have access to secondary education. .

The couple will meet girls living in the boarding house and the mother and visit the facilities before the henna ceremony at the Duchess.

They will then visit the local high school and meet the students and teachers before watching the children play football.

Upon arrival at Casablanca airport, Meghan, 37, and Harry, 34, will be greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife.

Upon arrival at Casablanca airport, Meghan, 37, and Harry, 34, will be greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife.

Upon arrival at Casablanca airport, Meghan, 37, and Harry, 34, will be greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife.

Members of the Royal Family will continue their busy day with a visit to the original "Education For All" pension where the Duke will invest the founder, Michael McHugo, into the most excellent Order of the British Empire.

Mr. McHugo received an MBE from the 2019 New Year awards for his services aimed at improving gender equality in education in Morocco.

The Duke and Duchess will then attend a reception organized by the British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife in Rabat, including Moroccan women leaders, young entrepreneurs and athletes with disabilities.

Monday, February 25

Harry and Meghan will start their last day with a visit to the Royal Moroccan Federation of Equestrian Sports.

They will learn more about the program being developed by Morocco to help children with special needs through equine therapy.

The Duke and Duchess will attend a horse grooming session with some of the kids, before watching a horse show and meeting with coaches and instructors.

The couple will also meet young people from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as a mental health charity and those involved.

In the afternoon, Harry and Meghan will visit a cooking demonstration in which children from disadvantaged backgrounds in Rabat will learn traditional Moroccan recipes prepared by one of the greatest Moroccan chefs.

The Duke and Duchess will meet disabled children who work in a specially designed restaurant in Rabat.

At the end of their busy tour in Rabat, the couple will visit the Andalusian gardens where they will be informed about youth empowerment in Morocco by a number of young social entrepreneurs.

Before returning to England, the couple will discover traditional Moroccan handicrafts in the public garden surrounded by exotic plants, flowers and fruit trees.


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