Hasbro publishes Ms. Monopoly, a stupid, condescending and dummy update of feminism in the classic board game


Ms. Monopoly

Ladies, go ahead and win $ 40 more when you pass

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

A new version of Monopoly wants to show women what life looks like on the other side of the pay gap between men and women. Called Ms. Monopoly, the new variant of the endless board game Hasbro offers players a financial edge over their male opponents in what appears to be some sort of misguided attempt to defend women's empowerment.

In the game, the players will raise $ 240 by passing "Go", while the players will collect the usual $ 200, as in the original version of the game. This, says Hasbro, provides "a new fun approach to the game that creates a world in which women have an advantage often appreciated by men ".

You see, ladies? Hasbro simply wants to show us how "fun" it would be to receive an automatic benefit based solely on biological sex – because we have never thought about it before.

According to CNN, the game aims to celebrate "women's empowerment," not only by giving the players a financial boost, but also by replacing her former mascot – Mr. Monopoly, the quintessence of the rich and old man. old golden age white ", The coffee cup wearing a jacket, brandishing #girlboss, Ms. Monopoly. Players will also invest in products invented by women rather than goods.

At best, gambling is another idiotic manifestation of feminine pop feminism that has long trivialized and diluted the causes it seeks to promote. At worst, and perhaps more realistically, the game is a slap that blatantly mocks the very real question of gender inequality that will exist again once the game is over and / or that you will abandon it three days after leaving it. open on the coffee table and pretend to go back and finish it at some point.

Not only does the game casually present the pay gap between men and women as a pleasure, but it also ends up reinforcing the exact gender inequality it is supposed to mask by reminding women that any escape from Gender disadvantage that they fight daily basis is simply the substance of fiction. In addition, while Hasbro proudly returns the fake repairs to the $ 40 players, the game quickly reminds male players that "if they play their cards well, they can also earn more money," reinforcing the feeling authenticity. The classic mythology that marginalized individuals can overcome systemic barriers if only they worked hard enough.

In the meantime, this is not the first time that Monopoly has brought to light a very real and urgent social problem. In fact, it's not even the first time last month. In August, Hasbro launched "Monopoly Socialism", a rather condescending variant of the game that encourages players to "prepare for laughter while the meanders of life hinder the work for a shared utopian society". Economic inequality. That's the joke.

Am I too sensitive? Perhaps! I recognize that Monopoly has always caused the worst in me, even when he does not make fun of the systemic misogyny in which I was born. In the end, unlike the institutionalized sexism he does not care about, it's just a game, after all.


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