Have you seen this? & # 39; The Tonight Show & # 39; gave us a mashup "All Star" – "Star Wars" because May 4th


TATOOINE – If you can believe it, some people hate the franchise "Star Wars".

But these people have no power on the internet today. For today, we are May 4, a beloved nerd party to honor and celebrate the Skywalker saga, the ongoing battle between light and darkness and, of course, the Cantina group.

So yes, of course, did you see that? We had to add to the white "Star Wars" noise that will soon be bombarding your news feeds on social networks because we all live and understand the life of a "Star Wars" lover. (I have not confirmed with the other authors of HYST ?, but I feel their approval in one way or another …)

Jimmy Fallon helped us today with a message from "The Tonight Show". It's a video that nobody has asked for and nobody really wants to, but it's a video you'll feel compelled to watch, even without the force. Yes, it's the cover of Smashmouth's "All Star", cut together with clips from the "Star Wars" franchise.

"All Star" is a popular song to hate, and only the brave say they like it in public, but I suspect that many like it secretly. Maybe we all like to hate him. Anyway, you already know that you will watch and enjoy this video. You will probably even share it with your friends and relatives.

And if you're not sure to watch, "Use the Force, Luke. Let's go there. Luke, believe me.

May the 4th be with you.

Martha Ostergar

About the author: Martha Ostergar

Martha Ostergar is a writer who is passionate about the ridiculous nature of the Internet, which makes her very grateful to be able to browse the Web for incredible videos to write about. Follow her on Twitter @monstergar.


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