HBO Max just gave people a new reason to sign up


I have a confession to make. I jumped at the chance to pay the full price of the $ 14.99 HBO Max subscription as soon as I found out that my favorite show on TV right now – the wonderful Italian mafia mafia series Gomorrah – is available on the streamer. Which includes the previously aired seasons of the show as well as the long-awaited third season of Gomorrah which was added to HBO Max in January.

This series pretty much reveals all the stories of the American crowd as being a clownish, pancake affair, totally devoid of a shred of authenticity or soul. I read somewhere that Naples shut down pretty much every time a new episode of Gomorrah is broadcast there, and I believe it. “Gomorrah is back, as bloody (and captivating) as ever,” announced The New York Times in January. Netflix has at least one almost as good Italian crime drama (Suburra: Blood on Rome), but that’s not enough, in my opinion. That said, meanwhile, HBO Max is set to drop its subscription price with the launch of a new, more affordable plan, so for those of you who haven’t yet been introduced to the majesty of the television that is Gomorrah (which was developed from author Robert Saviano’s book on the powerful Camorra criminal organization that dates back to the 17th century), keep reading.

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We already knew that a cheaper, ad-supported HBO Max subscription level was coming soon, and now the streamer’s parent company has made it official.

AT&T, which owns the WarnerMedia entertainment division which includes HBO Max as well as the Warner Bros. movie studio, today confirmed in an Investor Day update posted on its website that a version funded by the HBO Max ad will launch in June. The launch is also timed with a much larger expansion of HBO Max: “AT&T plans to launch HBO Max in 60 markets outside the United States in 2021 (39 territories in Latin America and the Caribbean at the end of June and 21 territories in Europe in the second half of 2021) ”, explains the update of the company’s strategy.

As noted, an HBO Max subscription currently costs $ 14.99 / month in the US, and we don’t yet know where the price for this new tier HBO Max will come in. However, the price cut could be substantial – or rather, there is a precedent. An ad-free Hulu subscription costs $ 11.99 / month, for example, compared to just $ 5.99 for an ad-supported version. Also, an important caveat: remember the big announcement that all of Warner Bros. ‘new movies are coming to HBO Max the same day they hit theaters this year – movies like The matrix 4? You’ll actually need the HBO Max ad-free subscription level to watch these movies, so definitely something to keep in mind.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried and enjoyed a few other HBO Max content offerings. But like my affection for Gomorrah shows, you too might not find at least one thing about the service that you become addicted to – so much so that you might even decide that that thing, whatever it is, is worth the price of admission on its own . Some of you like to sample the buffet streaming, and then there are those of us who just want to binge on our favorites. It takes all kinds to keep the streaming world going.

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Andy is a reporter in Memphis who also contributes to media outlets like Fast Company and The Guardian. When he’s not writing about tech, he’s found leaning protectively over his burgeoning vinyl collection, in addition to honing his Whovianism and gorging himself on a variety of TV shows you probably don’t like. not.


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