HBO Max’s ‘generation’ used dead cat corpses in dissection scene


The next HBO Max show “Generation ”(called“ Genera + ion ”) – created by 19-year-old Zelda Barnz and her father Daniel Barnz, and produced by Lena Dunham – comes across as an ultra-realistic take on high school life.

Unfortunately, last Thursday, Generation ”has taken plausibility too far. In a scene set in a biology class, the production used real dead cats for the actors to dissect. A tweet on Friday by @Lilith_Rosex said: “I heard from a friend in the industry, HBO has a new show called Generation coming out. It is produced by Lena Dunham and earlier this week they brought in some real dead kittens for the background to ‘dissect’ on set. No warning, people have had trauma reactions.

The person continued to Tweeter that a cameraman had tested positive for COVID-19: “As the icing on the cake of their traumatic experience, at the end of the second day, they were informed that one of the cameramen had tested positive for COVID. It should have been disclosed earlier, but they clearly wanted their photos of these kittens.

After being contacted by Variety on the two issues, a spokesperson for HBO Max released this statement:

“”Genera + ion ‘portrays the unfiltered experiences of high school students and is drawn from many of the formative moments in the lives of the show’s writers. The production recently filmed scenes depicting biology classwork involving the dissection of animal specimens. These were ethically obtained in consultation with American Humane through an organic sourcing company that works with schools. Everyone involved was told in advance that this would be a sensitive scene involving actual dissection; the assistant directors checked in regularly with all the participants on the set, and two background actors who expressed their discomfort were released with their full pay. However, after further discussion with the creative team, the scene is being reconceived and will not appear in the series. We deeply regret that this has happened.

Statement challenges @ Lillth_RoseX’s second tweet, who said those on the scene learned it was a frog dissection – “but they introduced themselves to real dead kittens and had to stay.

The sources made confirms that a member of the crew has tested positive and is currently in isolation. The sources said production learned of the test results after the day’s end, contradicting the tweet. Production of “Generation” was halted Thursday and will resume in accordance with safety instructions.

The series features mostly unknown actors. Justice Smith and Martha Plimpton also co-star.

Dunham, a creative producer on the show, only heard about what happened on Saturday after being tagged in replies to tweets, according to a source. When she read the script, she never imagined they would use real animal specimens, the source said. Dunham is not on the set – she is currently in London to shoot the film Catherine, Called Birdy ”, which she wrote and directed.

Dunham issued his own statement to Variety: “I am committed in my life and my work to treating animals in a reasoned, humane and ethical manner. I never use animal corpses in any of my work, and I wasn’t on set or knew they were used in a recently shot scene depicting biology classwork. I fully support the scene being edited out of the series.

There will be a panel for “Generation” during the Television Critics Association press tour on Wednesday, where its first date is expected to be announced. Dunham was never going to be on the panel, as she is currently overseas.


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