HBO's 'Game Of Thrones' characters found with water bottles – Deadline


Choosing a king or queen can be a thirsty job, especially, apparently, for an inexperienced statesman like Samwell Tarly. I am not sure of Ser Davos' excuse – the two kingmakers have been spotted by keen eyes. Game of thrones viewers with 21st century plastic water bottles peeking behind their boots during a scene EuThe final of the series Sunday night.

See screenshots of the offending plastic above and below.

The offending water bottles, which rested on the ground, behind Samson Tarly's boots of John Bradley and Ser Davos Seaworth by Liam Cunningham, while themselves and other poobahs s & # 39; 39 were gathered to decide the fate of Jon Snow and choose a post-Dany leader sneaked into the show just two weeks after the appearance of the cup of coffee at the Starbucks, much more obvious, on a table in front of Daenerys at from the episode "The last of the Starks".

Bottled water was not as good as coffee, but it still attracted a lot of internet chats and freeze-ups.

Here is a good picture that goes around:

And the contribution of Ser Davos to the real blooper:

HBO still has no news of water infiltration, but the plastic will probably be banned as Jon Snow, just like the offending coffee. Maybe HBO will present even better excuses for the joke than last time, when the following statement was published: "The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.


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