He said that his wife would agree with our case. Should I tell him? – East Bay Times


CHER CAROLYN: Three years ago, when I married happily, a friend of a college friends group proposed a liaison. I refused and I avoided seeing him one-on-one.

Now I am having a difficult divorce. He proposed a link again. I'm still not interested. I told him that and he told me that he and his wife had "an understanding".

At first I was just friends with him, but I have known his wife in the last few years and I like him very much. Do I have the obligation to tell him that he comes to see me several times? I do not care about an affair with him and I have no problem saying it, but I see them as a couple every six weeks or so. I feel weird to catch up with his wife about their new car or last vacation knowing that her husband is interested in a deal.

I just like you as a friend


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