Heartbreaking Tragedy Escapes From “Spider-Man: No Way Home”


Spider-Man is so popular with fans, and the movies are always a long-awaited big-money event. Some of them might be better than others, but fans will still want to see them all. Having said that, the excitement around Spider-Man: No Path Home is second to none. That’s because Sony and Marvel are set to deliver a never-before-seen story in any Spider Man movies or even in the MCU. We are watching a multiverse / Spiderverse movie. Several versions of Spider-Man will face off against six villains who have appeared in previous Spider-Man films. This is the biggest No way home secret, a spoiler that has leaked several times over the past few months.

Some No way home the leaks there also say the film will have its own heartbreaking moment. If you’re a fan of spoilers, you already know what this scene is meant to be. And you are probably dying to find out the secret. It turns out that a leaker claims to know a key detail of said scene. But we can’t look at it before we tell you that important spoilers could follow below.

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The mysterious Spider Man leak

We have often spoken of a leaker called Spider-Fan on social networks. This is because the leaker posted several stills of No way home which showed Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man costumes. Sony has confirmed that the photos are genuine by attempting to remove them from the Internet with copyright claims. The leaker then posted a video of Garfield wearing his Spider-Man costume. That’s when we realized that one of the images the leaker got was from that particular scene – the close-up of Garfield.

The leaker also showed us screenshots of footage featuring some of the Sinister Six villains who were teased in the first one. No way home trailer. According to these images, Willem Dafoe and Jamie Foxx will play Green Goblin and Electro respectively.

Finally, the leaker posted a No way home scene of a VFX employee. This image gave us a glimpse of Doctor Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) prison, where the wizard will imprison the villains of the Spiderverse. This leak showed us Sandman, The Lizard, Doc Ock, and Electro all in separate cells. Yes Spider-Fan’s the claims are real, it also cost the original leaker his job.

All that to say that Spider-Fan seems to have access to real No way home information. Ultimately, these are still leaks, so nothing can be confirmed until we see the movie.

This brings us to this heartbreaking scene in No way home, and this is your last chance to avoid spoilers to come.

From left to right: Ned (Jacob Batalon), MJ (Zendaya) and a blonde person.  - Credit: Sony and Marvel

From left to right: Ned (Jacob Batalon), MJ (Zendaya) and a blonde person. – Credit: Sony and Marvel

Sony and Marvel

Great No way home death scene

We’ve also often explained that death is something Marvel regularly uses in its MCU movies to emphasize the seriousness of the threats in the stories. The movies could be fun, action-packed PG-13 adventures anyone can enjoy. But Marvel wants them to be more emotional than the bland superhero movies where the main characters always survive and everyone ends up being happy. While the Avengers typically win in these stories, there is often a price to be paid. The heroes are injured, physically and mentally. And some of them, or their loved ones, die in the process.

No way home will have its own death scene in the third act. It’s a heartbreaking plot detail we’ve seen in several leaks so far. We still don’t know who dies at the end of No way home. But some of these leaks claim that Marvel and Sony shot different versions of the scene to keep the main character’s death from leaking.

The characters most likely to die in No way home are Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), MJ (Zendaya) and Ned (Jacob Batalon). There is always a possibility that one of Spider-Man’s other heroes will perish while fighting the villains. Anyway, the death scene in No way home reportedly infuriating Tom Holland’s Peter Parker with rage, to the point that he would consider murdering the main villain.

As a reminder, No way home resume right after Far from home. Peter must defend himself against allegations that he killed Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal). It’s something he never intended to do. But if the No way home death scene is accurate, we could see Peter get to the point where he really wants to kill a villain.

Who dies in Spider-Man 3?

Spider-Fan does not tell his disciples who dies in No way home in the following tweet. But he claims it won’t be a Spider-Man variant. This is an important detail that should reassure you.

According to the leaker, No way home is just Spiderverse’s first live-action movie. We’ll see more of that in the future, with additional Peter Parker variations.

We explained earlier that No way home helps both Marvel and Sony move their programs forward. Marvel wants its multiverse story, while Sony wants its Spiderverse universe. No way home help with both. The movie will give us the MCU’s first multiverse movie. As for the SSU, it will help Sony to link all of its Spider Man films and prepare for the future.

Killing a variant of Spider-Man so early in the Spiderverse would be against Sony’s interests. Tom Holland is the main Spider-Man, so he can’t die. But Sony and Marvel may also have plans for the others. Maguire, for example, could make an appearance in Doctor Strange 2.

Separately, famous Marvel insider Daniel Richtman posted on Twitter that No way home is just the start of the multiverse saga. This is a detail that seems more relevant to the MCU than to the SSU. Even so, kill a Spider-Man in a climax No way home scene would not make sense.

Speculation aside, Spider-Man: No Path Home premieres on December 17, with a second trailer set to release in the next few months.

See the original version of this article on BGR.com


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