Hearthstone Nerfing Powerful cards like the pocket galaxy of Dr. Boom and Luna


Hearthstone recently launched its Saviors of Uldum expansion and, now that it is in the wild and the meta begins to form, Blizzard is preparing to rebalance some of the cards. This time, the Nerve Stick hits cards that have been recognized as problematic in the community for some time, including the cancellation of two cards that he corrected in a June update. The balance update will be available next week.

The two most important changes are the Warrior and Mage cards. The warrior hero's card Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and the mage card Luna pocket galaxy Since the launch of Uldum, both topics have been in the Hearthstone community and their mana cost has increased. Dr. Boom will grow from 7 to 9 manas, which, according to Blizzard, should make it more difficult to search for a good time to play and give his opponents more time to make their own power games. Luna's Pocket Galaxy, which was reduced to 5 manas in June, returns to its 7 mana state.

This is not the only mage card to get a nerve, though. The call of the conjurer Its mana cost is increased from 3 to 4, which, according to Blizzard, will make it more difficult to read consecutively from its two Twinspell instances. Similar to Luna, the priest's card Additional arms its cost will be reduced to 3 mana, canceling the received buff. Finally, the map of several years Barnes Bring his cost to 5 Mana to better balance Wild, where he is still at stake.

It should be noted that none of these balance updates pertain to cards introduced in the Saviors of Uldum extension. These are all older cards that have always proved too powerful thanks to several extensions, or have become problematic in conjunction with the new Uldum game cards.

The Uldum saviors constitute the second chapter of a planned narrative of a year. As in the first chapter, Rise of Shadows, a solo item should be started about a month after the expansion.


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