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Half of New Yorkers want Cuomo to stay despite scandals

(Bloomberg) – A new poll released Monday said half of New York City voters did not believe Andrew Cuomo should step down, which encouraged him and his supporters as the scandalized three-term governor made facing an impeachment inquiry and called for the resignation of dozens. The Democratic governor’s approval rating fell to its lowest level in the Siena College poll since taking office in 2011, with just 43% of registered voters in New York City having a favorable opinion of him. This is down from 56% in February and a high of 77% reached last year at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the poll. Today, only a third of voters believe he should run for a fourth term, according to the poll. His standing with everyday New Yorkers declined dramatically after seven women accused him of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, along with charges his administration covered up. Deaths of Covid nursing homes. But the fact that Cuomo retained half the electorate shows that months of prime-time TV appearances and praise from President Joe Biden have polished Cuomo’s reputation with voters and that forcing him to resign will not be. not so easy. to be able to compartmentalize how they feel about Cuomo, ”said Steven Greenberg, Siena College investigator. “While their views on him in general – favorability, job performance, re-election – have taken a hard hit this month, voters’ views on Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic remain largely positive.” Cuomo’s public opinion polls are significant because the governor has steadfastly refused to step down despite calls from Democratic leaders in the New York Legislature, a majority of the U.S. House delegation and two senators, including majority leader Chuck Schumer. Perhaps the most significant finding is that a clear majority, 61% of voters polled who are Democrats, said he should not resign. The latest poll was conducted March 8-12 among 805 registered voters. New York, and has one more margin of error. or less 4.1 percentage points. Biden did not ask the governor to resign. On Monday, Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the president had not recently spoken to Cuomo but believed an investigation should be opened into the governor’s behavior. It is up to New York to determine “if it still has the people’s trust in the state,” she said. The “center of interest here, of the federal government, is of course to support this independent investigation, which we categorically do.” Investigations begin New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie on Monday said the Judicial Committee’s investigation, which could result in indictment, is “very broad,” and could examine issues beyond allegations of harassment. He said the committee should announce which company will conduct the investigation and that the state will pay for it. He said he was not sure how long the review would take. ” that you have to come back with a decision in a week, or two weeks, or a month, would be unfair to the investigative process, “he said. investigators who were part of the investigation by two attorneys selected by New York Attorney General Letitia James. Cuomo denied his allegations. Charlotte Bennett, 25, spoke to investigators for more than four hours and said shared 120 pages of files and documents to “corroborate his accusations ons against Governor Cuomo and his top executives, ”according to a statement from his attorney Debra Katz She said Bennett detailed allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo, as well as a“ sexually hostile workplace, ”which was part of ‘a “deliberate effort to create rivalry and tension among the staff women to whom he gave his attention.” Confidence Projection said what former aides had alleged “did not happen” and that he would not resign following calls from lawmakers to resign because he was “not elected by the politicians, I was elected by the people. ”On Monday, he seemed almost jubilant after the poll results were released at a press conference at a soon-to-be-opened vaccination site on Long Island. Live off to reporters, Cuomo made jokes and focused his comments on administering vaccines. He did not openly address the scandals or call for his resignation, but was flanked by supporters who praised of the governor and thanked him for his leadership in bringing more blows to their communities.Following reports in the Washington Post and The New York Times that Larry Schwartz, Cuomo’s vaccine czar, had contacted local leaders to assess uer their support. Some have complained that they felt their supply of life-saving Covid injections was on the line. “Larry’s conversations did not touch on vaccine distribution – he would never tie political support to decisions of public health, ”said Beth Garvey, acting counsel for Cuomo, Democratic President of ImpasseState, Jay S. Jacobs, a longtime Cuomo supporter, said on Monday that the poll results, as well as conversations with other Democratic county presidents were showing it was time for the state to get back to work. “Most New Yorkers and an overwhelming number of Democrats want an investigation before passing judgment,” he said in a statement. In a subsequent telephone interview, Jacobs said the poll was an important measure of public opinion because “everyone has said what they have to say. Lawmakers, the governor have all had their say. say, “he said.” We came to a dead end, where a bunch of people wanted him to quit and he said ‘no thanks’, so now where do we go from here? ” Jacobs said the state needs to “move forward and continue to work together regardless of this issue as there are bigger issues to be resolved and with investigations we know this issue will ultimately be resolved. Politically supported vaccine supply was the “definition of corruption.” De Blasio said he had not spoken to the governor for weeks and that he had seen no effort to reduce the vaccine supply to New York in retaliation for his demands that the governor resign. Yet he said the city had not received its fair share of vaccines. Throughout the pandemic, de Blasio said, the governor “added to politics to decisions. ”(Updates with Bennett meeting with investigators, starting in 10th paragraph.) For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com the most trusted source of business information . © 2021 Bloomberg LP


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