Hellish Quart, the physical sword fighting game, is now available


Bushido Blade is one of those video games that has become a legend. The 1997 PlayStation fighting game wasn’t defined by combos and health bars, but by fast-paced and tense sword battles in which a single hit could kill you or your opponent. There has been very little like this since.

Enter Hellish Quart, in early access today. It’s Bushid-ish – there are swords, there are duels, and there are slash kills – but it takes it one step further by making all of your moves physics-based.

The game’s Steam page says its developers intend the game to be in Early Access for one to two years. In addition to taking player feedback into account, they will use this time to develop a full single player campaign. Given its historical setting, I hope it’s a bit like Ridley Scott’s The Duellists.

I have never played Bushido Blade, but I have surely heard people tell me about it. I say it’s “transcended into caption” because I would swear half the people who talk about it haven’t played it either – they just read and think it sounds cool. Instead, I’m going to choose to think of Hellish Quart as the upgraded version of Nidhogg, another fabulous head-to-head sword fighting game. I have spent many hours having fun with some buddies and trying to get a big worm eat me in Nidhogg, and I hope Hellish Quart will do the same.

Unfortunately, Hellish Quart does not yet have online multiplayer, but it does have local multiplayer and supports Steam’s “Remote Play Together” feature, which allows you to play local multiplayer games over the internet. That means it sort of has online multiplayer, I guess. But there’s no magical Steam feature that adds big worms to games, so there’s still a lot to look forward to.

There’s a demo you can grab through Steam, and the full game will set you back £ 11.46 / $ 14.44 / € 11.89.


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