Hello, Jeremy Renner App. Goodbye, Jeremy Renner App


Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez (Getty Images)

It's been almost a day since Gizmodo's sister site, Deadspin, informed the world that for some reason, actor Jeremy Renner had a fan app also called "Jeremy Renner" – and that he also completely ruined said application by mentioning "porn". Now, Jeremy Renner is no longer.

In a message to his fans about Jeremy Renner on Wednesday, Jeremy Renner announced that he was ending his relationship with Jeremy Renner.

"The application jumped the shark. Jeremy Renner, whose recent mistakes apparently go far beyond the misuse of the word "literally," wrote.

"Because of smart people who have been able to manipulate ways to pretend to be me and other people within the app, I've asked ESCAPEX, the company that runs this app, shut it down immediately and reimburse anyone who has purchased stars in the last 90 days, "Jeremy Renner added. "What was supposed to be a place where fans can connect has become a place that is everything I hate and that I can not or will not close my eyes to."

Jeremy Renner is referring to the "intelligent" personification, which apparently does not prevent trolls from creating fake Jeremy Renner profiles on Jeremy Renner, and that Jeremy Renner's generated notifications seem to come from Jeremy Renner. That's how Stefan Heck, a contributor to Deadspin, accidentally provoked Jeremy Renner's apocalypse: when both of these facts were widely known, Jeremy Renner was inundated with fake articles by Jeremy Renners explaining how much Jeremy Renner likes pornography. (In addition, someone was pretending to be Casey Anthony on Jeremy Renner.)

Stefan Heck, Deadspin contributor, posting the word "porn" on Jeremy Renner.
Screen capture: Deadspin
Deadspin contributor Stefan Heck realizes that Jeremy Renner's notifications are labeled as if they came from Jeremy Renner.
Screen capture: Deadspin
The capture of Deadspin contributor Stefan Heck on Jeremy Renner's wave of fake profiles.
Screen capture: Deadspin

Jeremy Renner was launched in early 2017 and, according to the Ringer, was quickly invaded by trolls in the following months. (The other Jeremy Renner was launched in 1971.) At the time, Jeremy Renner's commercial director, Kristoffer Winters, had told Ringer that Jeremy Renner would duplicate a moderation of heavier content (we underline):

"It's not censorship. I would not say censorship. It's just that if someone says something nasty to someone, we decided to block it, "Winters said. "If someone does not like Jeremy [Renner], they must not like Jeremy [Renner]. But that does not mean we have to post their comments in its application [Jeremy Renner]. They can go to a hundred other places and say something negative.

Apparently, the trolls did not decide to go to a hundred other places, but decided to continue harassing Jeremy Renner on Jeremy Renner.

In a nutshell, Jeremy Renner's Jeremy Renner was inundated with fake Jeremy Renners sending Jeremy Renner notices about pornography, which caused Jeremy Renner to close Jeremy Renner.

Jeremy Renner Jeremy Renner Jeremy Renner.

Rest in peace, Jeremy Renner of Jeremy Renner.

Jeremy Renner.


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